Sunday, January 31, 2016

Six Weeks.............

Six weeks... that is our answer whenever anyone asks how long until we move into the barn, six weeks!  But the trick is to keep it as a rolling six weeks, so it is always six weeks! Then voila one day we are moved in!

One of the drivers behind our big adventure was how unsatisfied Mr M was with his work life.  Not necessarily his job but how his job was being driven, mostly by deadlines.  It is a sad state of affairs when ticking a box for a date met is more important than the quality of the work you are producing!  Therefore we have never set any deadlines, taking time to enjoy the process and the rolling six weeks will continue for the foreseeable future!

This week has seen lots of progress.  Firstly the floor for the bathroom has been put in, fun to be able to actually be in the "room"...

He also framed the shower so it is ready to have the shower pan built, the walls put in and tiled...

Also fitted the bathroom fan and fitted the vent to the outside! just need water and we are all set :)

And he has now started putting on wall board (plasterboard whatever we are calling it) it is really starting to come together!!

Bedroom wall....

Kitchen window.....

My corner office in our kitchen dining room...

So just six more weeks and we will be in!

This weekend I have been cracking on with my garden, putting in paths and digging out for my raised beds.

Lots of help, loving how it is coming together can't wait to get growing......

We also had another fire today, I think the success of this one is the result of Mr M's misspent youth, he is definitely more proficient on the fire front than I am!

Birthday Queen Daisy certainly agrees, "I can see my house from up here"...

Although she would like a bigger bed to enjoy the view from....

Finally, not wanting to be a complete bore but we have ended up with about 17 inches of rain for January! It's ok though as it is February tomorrow and the USA clocks go forward IN SIX WEEKS TIME.

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