Sunday, October 13, 2019

And on we go....

That's the Royal "we", obviously I mean him.  Finishing up the insulation.  The big living room vaulted ceiling is mostly finished...


Once that was mostly finished he started on plaster boarding our bedroom.  

Using all the itsy bitsy left over pieces to do the attic above the en-suite bathroom...

Slowly, slowly moving along.  Next up finishing the bedroom walls and then on to the ceiling cedar tongue and groove, which I just pointed out to Mr. M he purchased exactly a year ago! Apparently it is good to let it season in the house, well it's seen 4 seasons :)

Oh and he did this to the back porch too, supposedly it will stop the house from falling down, luckily they aren't really needed, phew, as they haven't been up there until this last week...

Apart from that, we are enjoying a lovely Indian summer here in October, the garden has sprung back to life like Spring, although, I have harvested my first winter parsnip.  If I waited for the first frost I'd never get them eaten.  It was delicious, and my carrots continue to impress me in color and size...

Dahlias keep on blooming and the fall peas are in production...

I'll be getting the garlic planted up in the next couple of weeks, and should be starting to harvest cauliflowers soon, I love the change in seasons! Soon be Christmas y'all!

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