Sunday, November 24, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving....

It's that time of year again where we are swinging into the holiday season.

Before the eating can commence a quick update on activities, downstairs kitchen, dining room and living room wall. 

Kitchen window...


And drywalling...

And then the end living room wall....

It's all coming along.  Now we have a short work week, then a long weekend of eating..

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Oh Starbucks?

Nope, just drywall... it's all about drywall.  Consequently this episode is pretty dull.

I don't know what the plan is for this week, whenever I try to predict what is upcoming I get it wrong.
So I've decided to leave it all as a surprise.

And in more exciting news the chickens are moulting - Oh My!!!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Drywall here, drywall there....

… drywall everywhere! Well not quite.  I haven't visited the work site for a few days, so the photos were quite a surprise to me tonight.

Our bedroom is pretty much done....

And the storage area above the ensuite, a good use of all the bits and pieces of drywall bonus being these seams don't needs to be taped (but I bet they will be)...

The main storage/attic space....

And my office, upstairs landing....

It's moving right along.  We are enjoying some unseasonably warm October weather, it's been gawjus….
and so the plan is to go down into the crawl space and lay plastic on the ground which will act as a vapor barrier to keep the damp to a minimum, he will then have to insulate the underside of the floor.  Ugh, what a job, but someone's got to do it and it ain't gonna be me :)

In other exciting news we finally got a carport installed for our jeep.  Thing leaks like a sieve in the winter and so we usually just put a cover on it and then proceed to not use it for about 4 months of the year,  Now we can use it all through the winter and give the old truck a bit of a break.  In typical Mr. M fashion, it is all color coordinated and perfectly aligned with the barn and the newly moved container and it hasn't rained once since it was put up, obvs...

Garden is still giving back on a daily/weekly basis, we didn't get many cauliflowers, but they were delicious.  I am pulling carrots, parsnips, beetroots, spring onions and I have broccoli, leeks and brussel sprouts pending.  We finished the fall peas and they are now gone and the 2020 garlic is planted.  The chickens are still laying and I get 2 or 3 eggs a day, clocks change next week so they could start to dwindle...

I still have petunias and nasturtiums flowering...

And I'll leave you with this photo, I think my carrots are on steroids....

Sunday, October 13, 2019

And on we go....

That's the Royal "we", obviously I mean him.  Finishing up the insulation.  The big living room vaulted ceiling is mostly finished...


Once that was mostly finished he started on plaster boarding our bedroom.  

Using all the itsy bitsy left over pieces to do the attic above the en-suite bathroom...

Slowly, slowly moving along.  Next up finishing the bedroom walls and then on to the ceiling cedar tongue and groove, which I just pointed out to Mr. M he purchased exactly a year ago! Apparently it is good to let it season in the house, well it's seen 4 seasons :)

Oh and he did this to the back porch too, supposedly it will stop the house from falling down, luckily they aren't really needed, phew, as they haven't been up there until this last week...

Apart from that, we are enjoying a lovely Indian summer here in October, the garden has sprung back to life like Spring, although, I have harvested my first winter parsnip.  If I waited for the first frost I'd never get them eaten.  It was delicious, and my carrots continue to impress me in color and size...

Dahlias keep on blooming and the fall peas are in production...

I'll be getting the garlic planted up in the next couple of weeks, and should be starting to harvest cauliflowers soon, I love the change in seasons! Soon be Christmas y'all!

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Getting back to work...

But it's not very interesting work hence the lack of blogs.  It's just insulation, rinse and repeat, working on the big cathedral ceiling.  But getting it done and hoping soon to be finishing up the walls and moving on to drywalling....

And another side project, had some trees removed, moved the container making space for a carport.  Mr. M got to admire his stable.....

Container moved back level with the shop, next task gravel then carport.....

We are fast heading to the end of the summer.  I'm busy harvesting all the goodies from the garden.  It's been a stellar growing year, there are still plenty of beans, squash, salad onions, carrots, tomatoes, dahlias, potatoes and beets coming out of the garden, along with the fall harvest of peas... 

Yes, this is a huge plant pot full of potatoes.....

Harvested the chilli plant....

Now the kitchen is decorated with the drying chilli ristra....

And my garlic braids.....

We'll be back soon, when we have moved on from insulation, it is seriously difficult to get inspired by insulation!