Sunday, July 22, 2018

Shingalee, shingalaa, shingalee, shingalaaahahahahaaaaa....

Mr. M is back to commuting outside..

The shingling has begun... layer by layer, you have a double layer on the bottom...

Then you keep on working your way up, the layers must not overlap each other, the gaps should be staggered and each shingle only has 5 inches left exposed at the bottom....

Keep building up and around the windows....
Its basically like a big jigsaw puzzle, each shingle is a different width and so getting the spacing right is a challenge, but he's doing a great job....

 And voila half a wall done already...
This half of the wall is now completely finished, the first part of the house to be DONE!
The garden is blooming amazing.  I harvested my last lot of garlic today, these bulbs are huge and won't be going to the farmers market, these are our goodies.....
 I also braided my soft neck garlic today, this is now hung in my kitchen waiting to be used...
Food glorious food, peas, raspberries and strawberries.....

Carrots, garlic and cucumbers….

Flowers (don't eat them) and more peas.....

Oh food glorious food, wonderful food, marvelous food!

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