Sunday, May 20, 2018

A frame a day keeps the doctor away!!

It's all getting a bit samey, with spots of something different in between...

Window frames one by one....

All of Mr. M's heating/cooling ducting has arrived, ohhh it's like the tin man fell apart in the bathroom...

Quick garden update, things are on the grow......

Root veggies carrots, beets, turnips and radishes all going well..

First planting of peas are on the up, second planting is just appearing...

Some of the potato plants are nearly at the top of their bins and are getting a regular top up with dirt....

Tomatoes are in their final spots and growing well.....
2018 harvest has begun, might not be much but you've got to start somewhere...
On the flower front my Sweet William beds are just about ready to burst into color...

Dahlia and wildflowers are really getting their grow on......

My calla lilies are blooming lovely.....

And the New Zealand tea tree is full, and I mean full, of little pink flowers, so pretty....

The rhododendrons in the neighborhood are too good to leave outside....

Farmers market starts on Saturday, so I have been busy with the buttons....

I've got some surplus veggie seeds that I will be taking with me....

And Mr. M has also been making up some bird houses for me to have on my table to sell....

That's all for this week folks, who knows what excitement awaits you in the next installment!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

You've been framed.....

Quite literally, this week poor Mr. M has been framed.  Making them, painting them, installing them and basically just surrounded by them....

Making them....

Painting them.....

Installing them....

Surrounded by them......

He's going dawg gone frame crazy........

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Another week, a bit more progress...

Another week, a bit more progress... Monday was more time spent on the computer and finally he got his parts list all completed for the ducting on the heating system.

Then he fitted the famous door from last week....

And then the rest of the week was spent working on the trim for the windows, we have decided on cedar which we will be painting white, that should work well against the cedar shingles.

Lots of woodworking, which apparently Mr M is really enjoying....

You cut all the pieces of wood, they are all connected with dowels...

And glued together....

And a practice fitting....

Next job painting!

Then come Thursday afternoon Mr. M got slightly distracted by a craigslist advert and off he went to buy another lathe... not sure why he needs another lathe but apparently this was an absolute bargain, it's a deal, it's a steal, it's the sale of the bloody century - deja vu! NEVER heard that before... anyway Friday was spent collecting it and installing.... It's a real beaut!

Lots of stuff going on in the garden, my dahlias and scatter seeds are coming along nicely...
Nice neat rows for my root veggies...

My sweet Williams are starting to flower...

My redcurrant bush is full of currents and netted from the birds....

Our property is full of wild irises including this huge cluster that rooted itself outside my greenhouse...

Free flowers inside, who doesn't love that....

My time this winter spent around the fire pit hasn't been wasted as I have been working on my garden art, each letter tirelessly burnt in using a special tool invented by Mr M, involving rebar and a handle.  The ladybirds are reused and recycled from another piece of garden art that I brought about 10 years ago that finally fell apart this winter...


And finally, welcome Butch and Barb to the flock.  Huge Thanks to our neighbor Butch for selecting and babysitting and then delivering them to me this weekend....