Sunday, March 4, 2018

Plum, plum, plumbing......

It's been a full on week of plumbing, the manifold is starting to look like an alien....

Pipes going to the washing machine......'

The ice-maker......

And cracking on with the upstairs shower valves...

He lined the inside of the valve boxes so that if a leak occurs (WHAT a leak!) then it won't rot out the box....

We had a BIG storm blow through this week and it's been chilly, a lot chillier than you would expect for the Southern coast!  Friday was too cold to be plumbing, you can't bend the pex pipe if it isn't above about 40F, so Mr M had a full day on the computer working on his heating and cooling plan.  I expect it was all just an excuse to hang out with me, inside with the fire!!

Ohhh and the last two doors have been delivered, they will be varnished and fitted, not sure when.  Two back doors, both will go into the back porch, one from the dining room, and the other from the utility....

And finally the front door got fitted, it looks fab!

No blog for a couple of weeks, you'll survive......

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