Sunday, January 28, 2018

It was inevitable eventually.....

Mr M has been down in the crawl space this week busy with the plumbing.... it is unsurprising that his first venture down into the area uncovered something. It was only a matter of time, inevitable really, that eventually someone would start hiding dead bodies down there, after all, under every house and all that.....

Check your crawl spaces people.....

Apart from that excitement, it's just been boring old plumbing this week.  After the body was removed Mr M got lots pipework done down there...

And some more up in the house....

Pipes here, pipes there, pipes, pipes everywhere...

And finally a manifold box for the washing machine...

I guess this means I'll still be doing laundry when we move in!

Sunday, January 21, 2018

When it rains... get inside!

Its been a mixed bag of weather this week.  So when the sun shone the final 2 windows got fitted to the East side of the house.  They are pretty high up there, 3 levels up the scaffolding.  First Mr M added the house wrap, then the windows...

Nice job, one side done - tick v.g.

And when it rained (it poured) and so it was inside work... plumbing!  Yep its all about pipes, coming in, going out, going up and going down.....

Mr M has a schematic.. of course he does! I don't understand it so no questions?

This is the downstairs bathroom, see the toilet, not sure that's where it is going...

This big pipe will be under the floor down in the crawl space...

There is a hole in the floor....

And eventually more pipe will go up and down....

Downstairs bathroom sink.....

Upstairs bathroom sink....
'citing stuff right.... its pipe, it will carry waste water.. that's it!  BUT he did get the doors ordered!

Like I said its been a mixed bag of weather this week, we have been very spoilt this winter and we really haven't had the normal round of storms we are accustomed to.  This week reminded us not to be complacent.   But, when the wind stops blowing and the storm begins to clear out we are treated to some spectacular views....

Sunday, January 14, 2018

By the power of Grayskull.....

Well more like by the power of Mr M... we've got power.... no more extension cables across the dirt.

It's a mighty big cable that runs from Glenda's house to our house, these 3 cables all twist together, 2 lives and a neutral *apparently*...

Glenda's house is where the power comes in from the street....

You have to connect the power here.......

Then using a bit of muscle you push the cable down and along the previously laid conduit and up into the crawl space along and under the house..... 

Then back up to the electric panel in the closet.....

Where you wire it all in......

Add some sockets and plugs...
And voila, by the power of Grayskull.... 

Then it was more windows, the little dormers all got suited and booted!  Firstly the pair at the back...

Then the one at the front, on the steep roof, but Mr M coped admirably....

More rain forecast this week, but plenty of work to be getting on with inside.  He has all his plumbing plans laid out, so I heard a rumor about pipes and stuff!

Also I am REALLY hopeful that he is going to get our front and back doors ordered, and hopefully the big windows that will lead out onto the deck.   This window here...

You have NO idea how bored I am of hearing about doors... now 3 weeks after the conversations began, Mr M, please just order the damn doors!!!!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Week 1 in the Big Brother house 2018...

When the weather has been dry it's been windows.....

First of all he finished up the opposite corner windows downstairs.  All four corner windows  are now in place....

Then he put in the double window in the spare bedroom.  First of all there was a center post to put in place...

Then the house wrap was fitted....

Then the windows installed and taped...

All the downstairs windows are now present and correct....

We had a rainy day this week, so he also finished up my office walls...

I'll have a good view of my garden from that window!

First garden project of 2018 is underway, and nearly finished.  Seeing as how we spend so much tine sat around the fire pit I thought we ought to smarten it up.  We have more plans for this half of the garden so this is just the start.....

Got the trusty tractor and trailer out....
First you dig out the area you want to clear.... 

Then I put down some hard rock.....

Then I added a top layer of river rock,,,

Still need to finish it up, waiting for him to chop down a dead tree so I can finish up the edging and finish up adding the river rock.  Then we can sit in style and enjoy our fires...

That view from my office I was talking about... not too shabby....

I have only just finished harvesting the veg from my 2017 garden, it was all delicious....

Finally, just in case you were thinking we had forgotten about the chickens and ducks, or maybe eaten them, we haven't, here they are in all their 2018 glory!!

These ducks are a menace to society... Tilly concurs!