Sunday, November 6, 2016

...we've been talking and we all think its about time you updated your blog!!

.......... annnnnnnnnnd we're back!  Just incase you missed us!

So on the work front (let's get the boring stuff over with first)... not a huge amount has been done due to hollibobs but what has been done was well worth waiting for!

Firstly he finished off the inside of the conservatory with cedar, and put up some coat hooks - hands up who likes my new rubber pants!!! and it is very cosy in there now, we are on the lookout for a small pot belly stove to put out there and then we will be all set for some cold weather....

Next job was a gate, not just any gate... but a gate made with no nails! proper woodworking stuff going on here!

Smile Mr M - at least pretend you are happy in your work!

Mortise and Tenons...

Glued together..

Oak dowels to pin the corners together...

Once finished Mr M put in some gate posts... and voila...

This gate is our new "formal" entrance into our little garden area outside our house, eventually it will be moved to our house/garden "proper"...

Now he is smiling....

The last week he has been busy sorting out his container, he has built some shelving and unpacked and repacked it AGAIN... we didn't take any photos of this event for which you will probably be grateful for!

The next job is the retaining wall along the bottom of the barn, that should happen this week as the forecast is looking brighter! 

We have the concrete blocks - they got delivered last week, ingenious truck/crane combo...

Quick garden update, I have tidied everything up for the winter and I have planted my garlic for next years harvest, it is already coming up...

Plus my Spring bulbs arrived last week.... all 450 of them! Just need to get them planted and then we can look forward to something pretty...

We had a wonderful visit with the Royals..... I went and met them in San Francisco overcoming my fear of small planes..

We saw the Golden Gate Bridge from our hotel window....

And from a ferry...

We rode the trams...

Went to Alcatraz where we nearly lost one of our party!

On the road trip back to Port Orford we visited SeaBiscuit...

Went to the Redwoods and drove through a tree...

And were really stretched to see everything...

Arriving in back in Port Orford just in time for the first big storm of the year which set a precedent for the rest of their stay - rain - did someone say rain? 20 inches in October...

We had storms...

We had sun..

We did some days out...

Some days at home...

We played games...

And we ate food, lots of yummy food...

Thanks for coming to stay we had a wonderful time......

Please send toast crusts at the next available opportunity..

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