Sunday, June 19, 2016

"Working 9 to 5 what a way to make a living!"

Poor old Mr M has been tied to the desk (dining room table) for the past 2 weeks,  his current boss has had a bit of a crack down on the meanderings around the shop floor and the unnecessary bio breaks!

The result being that he is making good headway on the house plans.  The plans we brought were mostly engineered, however we are not having a basement and will be building on a crawl space so he had to engineer the footings, then the roof hadn't been engineered and so that was the second part.

First he has modeled the house on catia which is pretty much the same idea as the model he has built but on the computer.  It would be so cool now to print the model on a 3D printer and have a little plastic house!

I suppose our little wooden model is just as cool....

Once it is fully modeled he can complete the drawings for the foundations and the roof, and then the package can be submitted to the planning office!  Exciting stuff? I now am much more knowledgeable on modeling that is for sure, in fact not sure what all the fuss is about, from what I've seen this Engineering malarkey is a piece of pie!

I do think that he should go and get his eyes tested though, his current mode of eyewear is a pair of safety glasses from the shop floor which have magnifier lens in the bottom half!

He did take a day or 2 away from the computer to make me a screen door for our house.  It has been glorious weather.....

And so it is nice to leave the door open, but the bugs do like to take advantage!  This particular door is modeled off of the one on our airstream, you can open and close it with the main door, or if you choose have it open by itself! 
It's all in the hinges you see, specially crafted (bent) by the one and only Mr M....

The chicken/duck run has also had some important enhancements....
A landslide victory "YES" vote....
The garden is really starting to give back.....
Garlic scapes, these are the sign that the garlic is starting to produce their bulbs, these are snipped off and I use them in tomato sauces with pasta etc.
Plenty of green zuchinni's already, soon be time for yellow ones...

I did have a visitor to the garden this week, helping herself to 2 of my tomato plants and some of my peas - Oh Deer!
Nasturtiums are starting to flower and are SO pretty...
And this pretty wildflower is popping up all over....
And that is it.. that's all I've got for this installment.  This year is flying by so fast, as Mr M says the downside of being happy with your job is that each day goes so quickly, when he was working "for the man" his days just dragged by.. and consequently the weeks, months and years!! Poor Buggar!

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