Sunday, April 3, 2016

Top Tips for Trailer Tenancy...

Well we are nearly there.... we are hoping this time next week we will be in situ or close to!

The start of the week and Mr M fitted the kitchen sink and the bathroom sink! both are plumbed in and working and not a leak to be seen!

Bucket is NOT required.

Kitchen is really coming along..... well actually it is finished and ready for us to move in... apart from cupboard doors - Oh and overhead cupboards - Oh and some shelves I have requested...  but apart from that it is ready!

We unpacked the oven this week too, just couldn't wait any longer, it is all very exciting, all works as far as we can tell! Got the clock set so how hard can the rest of it be?

Edit to add - the blue won't be staying, leaving it all wrapped up until the threat of dust has gone!

Mr M has been busy this week, he also got the floor down.  2 inch studs with insulation laid over the top and then we are using the least expensive plywood.  We will be putting down lots of rugs and hopefully keep the splinters at bay, but if the truth be told we won't be walking on too much of the floor as it will all be covered up with furniture :)

The floor is all completely finished and finally the last big task to be done is the bedroom wall, it all got framed this weekend! Mr M is going to need a holiday!  It is just an 8 foot dividing wall, open to the ceiling, we won't be having a door, I have some cute material to make a curtain!

Tomorrow he will be putting up the plasterboard and there is just 4 seams to tape! and then I will be cracking on and getting it painted.  Whilst I am doing that Mr M will be taking on all the finishing up items and then *fingers crossed* we will be on the move! 

I have already moved in, priorities of course being somewhere to hang my hat - or my pegs!!

So as we are coming to the end of this chapter in our adventure I thought I would share some tips on how to survive trailer living, in case anyone else's husband has a mad idea of quitting his job to become a bum self builder!

  1. Gadgets - choose your gadgets wisely due to limited storage, make sure you have good versatile kitchen gadgets with you.  I couldn't have done without my bread maker, fresh bread on demand and also the perfect gadget for baking cakes!!!
  2. Comfy bed - get one! it is the only way to make life bearable!
  3. Shower - have one for your sake and your better halves! and make sure it has a good supply of hot water and plenty of water pressure!
  4. Outside - get out in it rain or shine, otherwise cabin fever will take over!
  5. Select your clothes wisely - with limited storage bring something for all weather!  Who knows how long you will be stuck living here.
  6. Make your dogs sleep outside (rolls around on the floor laughing at my own humor) otherwise No.2 will be severely hampered - trust me, this is from experience!
  7. Finally chose your housemate carefully! ensure he/she is hard working, not too smelly and focuses on the end result - focus focus focus! *cracks whip*
That's all for this week, we have been enjoying some glorious sunny weather ensuring that Bunty Chicken is still kicking up her heels! 

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