Sunday, June 30, 2019

Stuff it in.....

Mr. M has been making headway and getting the insulation started.  He began with the little dormers, and he first had to add wood to fatten out the rafters to allow for extra insulation, and then he leveled out the walls.   Also, there was lots of additional pieces of blocking that needed to get put into the rest of the house in anticipation of insulation and wall boarding.

Little dormers with extra wood....

Precariously placed scaffolding allows you access to all areas whilst not meeting any health and safety requirements...

Then you just stuff it in...

Seal up the gaps with squirty cream expandable foam....

All 3 dormers are done ceiling and walls...
Just the rest of the house to do....

The 2019 harvest has begun.....

And my spectacular radish harvest :) :) :) I officially give up (for now)

And the raspberries are starting to come good,,,,

What's in the future harvest basket? cucumbers...

Patty pan squash....

And peas - so many peas please....

And my random volunteer runner bean came up again this year, it's way ahead of my main crop of runners and has plenty of flowers.....

Flowers everywhere, the bees are happy...

The nasturtiums are looking particularly splendid right now.....

See you in 2 weeks time.

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