Sunday, December 16, 2018

Light at the end of the tunnel.....

….. the shingling tunnel that is! Putting finishing touches to the top of the front porch wall.  First of all you need to make templates for the shingles...

Then you put them up, 2 rows of hexagons, 2 rows of circles and a row of diamonds...

And so at last onto the final wall...

The plan is to have this wall finished before Christmas, the reality is that it won't happen :) :) best laid plans and all that!

I love the garden this time of year, everything looks dormant but I know that in the ground there are good things happening that we can't see, getting ready for Spring and the next growing season.  I am currently pulling carrots and parsnips, and it won't be too long before I am cutting cauliflowers.

The winter garden is full of hope!

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