Sunday, July 15, 2018

Here we go then....

Sorry, MIA last week, but we were busy socializing and enjoying July 4 celebrations in town.  The usual parade with little tractors...
 Big tractors....
And fireworks....
So what's been going on with the house, firstly Mr. M got the front door completed, surround and all....
Next he got his plumbing completed, water lines and sewer.  Firstly he sealed all the open pipes up....

The he pumped it all full of air to pressurize it....
Took his paintbrush and soapy water around to check for leaks....

And then he got his inspection completed, passed and approved!!! another milestone done!

He has also been finishing off some plywood sheathing up under the back porch....

Because this week the fun begins.... the cedar shingles are in the house!! and soon to be on the house! all 8,000 of them....

He's looking forward to this job... he's got a cool new nail gun, 2 nails per shingle so its definitely going to earn it's keep as well as looking like a machine gun out of Bugsy Malone....

And so there we are, hopefully next week parts of the outside will be completely finished, another milestone!

The birdhouses have been selling well at the market, so Mr. M has been whipping up some stock in his free time....

The garden is looking splendid, I have harvested some more garlic, a soft neck variety that is delicious and always produces lovely big bulbs, it's currently drying in the shed and some of it may make its way to the market.  Garlic sales are going well.. ;)

The pollinator bed is full of bees on a daily basis, so many pretty flowers.  My dahlias are starting to bloom and I have poppies....

All the beds are benefitting from some companion planting of flowers and veggies...

The garden is starting to give back on a daily basis... flowers, raspberries (by the bucket load) strawberries, zucchinis and today we started picking the peas.... oh the peas D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S..

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