Sunday, April 22, 2018

I mean.. you miss one week....

Sorry I forgot to mention we would be MIA last week.  The real life grown up job got in the way and off I went to the desert....

Meanwhile Mr M kept the home fires burning.  Over the last two weeks he has been a busy boy.  He got the gap above the front door filled and wrapped.....

Bug mesh to stop the bugs getting in and nesting in your cavities... sounds painful!

Good old trusty plywood....

And then wrapped....

Then he's been working on all the light switch and socket placements... *yawn*

 But some exciting stuff happened, my kitchen light inserts got installed....

And finally he went and picked up our heat pump and associated paraphernalia.... now he's just got to figure out how to install it.... *engage brain*.....

Weather's been glorious so we've spent the weekend hanging out on the beach.....

Having fires.....
And pottering around in the garden.....

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