Sunday, April 29, 2018

Not much to report.....

Might need to crack the whip a bit harder....  Not much happened this week..

Painting.... photo overload because... seriously... there's nothing else..

And then taa daaaaa , without the masking tape...

I think he also painted the door frame, but clearly that didn't warrant any photos....

And some more electrical stuff, boxes for the outside lights...

And that it is... it's all I've been given to work with this week.  I promise to make him work harder this week, otherwise we might never get moved in!

Sunday, April 22, 2018

I mean.. you miss one week....

Sorry I forgot to mention we would be MIA last week.  The real life grown up job got in the way and off I went to the desert....

Meanwhile Mr M kept the home fires burning.  Over the last two weeks he has been a busy boy.  He got the gap above the front door filled and wrapped.....

Bug mesh to stop the bugs getting in and nesting in your cavities... sounds painful!

Good old trusty plywood....

And then wrapped....

Then he's been working on all the light switch and socket placements... *yawn*

 But some exciting stuff happened, my kitchen light inserts got installed....

And finally he went and picked up our heat pump and associated paraphernalia.... now he's just got to figure out how to install it.... *engage brain*.....

Weather's been glorious so we've spent the weekend hanging out on the beach.....

Having fires.....
And pottering around in the garden.....

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Doors, Decks and Deer....

Mr M got the last coat on the back doors and got them both fitted this week, they look grand....

The deck will be up to the top of the piece of wood, so it won't be a huge step up into the house ;)

The deck ledger also got fitted to the front of the house, an 8 foot deck will run around three sides of the house.  The deck sits level with the ledger and the ledger will support the joists under the deck.....

We had some lovely evening this last week, and this weekend, after the rain had passed, we pretty much got finished up with project "deer be gone".  We got the final posts installed and put up all the fencing, and Mr M whipped up some gates for me, still some "touching up" to do but it's looking good and I am sure the deer are already feeling defeated....

It's all hands on deck this time of year....

Some of us would like to be more involved than we are allowed and aren't that happy with the new installations (how will I pick the peas?).....

Got my potato bins planted up.....

The deer are quaking in their boots and have started to employ the help of other woodland creatures, this week a mouse ate most of my germinated courgette  and cucumber seeds and dug out all the rest of them, and also proceeded to route around my lettuce bowl *sigh*.  So Mr M to the rescue and whipped up a "mouse be gone" cage for me....

Damn wildlife, not sure cheese is what they are after....

I love having a Mr M, I am grateful for everything he does for me each week........

Sunday, April 1, 2018

It's like watching paint dry....

Seriously, that is all this week has entailed, painting.... Mr M has had quite a production line going, 2 back doors and 2 door frames.  He has basically circled around putting coats of varnish on them one after the other.  Each piece has 4 costs of varnish.....

It makes me yawn thinking about it, but anyway no photos, apparently he thinks its boring too :)

So onto more exciting stuff, I thought it was time for a garden update.

Spring has sprung this last week, it's been sunny every day, my veggie seeds are starting to germinate, we'll eat like kings....

And YES the rat trap has been a successful addition to the greenhouse *snap* got the buggar!!

This seasons garlic is growing well......

This year I want a bed for cutting flowers, so I have planted up some dahlias and I scattered some seeds which will hopefully attract the pollinators...

My calla lilies are flowering... These were a great addition to my garden mostly because the deer don't eat them....

Likewise to the lavender, another NON favorite with the deer......

My fruit trees got a feed and some fresh mulch....

And I can't remember what this plant is called, I can't read the old guys writing on the label... but it's flowering, I thing it is a New Zealand Tea Tree.... Oh and unlike the spiraea next to it, the deer don't eat this either.....

In an effort to deter the deer from this bed I have planted lots of marigolds around the front, I feel bad for my spiraea and forsythia.....

So talking of deer, operation "deer be gone" is well underway, we have finished putting the posts in around the veggie beds....

Mr M is a good worker.....

We have started fitting the anti-deer fence... its eight foot tall....

Just let them try and jump this high.....