Sunday, January 21, 2018

When it rains... get inside!

Its been a mixed bag of weather this week.  So when the sun shone the final 2 windows got fitted to the East side of the house.  They are pretty high up there, 3 levels up the scaffolding.  First Mr M added the house wrap, then the windows...

Nice job, one side done - tick v.g.

And when it rained (it poured) and so it was inside work... plumbing!  Yep its all about pipes, coming in, going out, going up and going down.....

Mr M has a schematic.. of course he does! I don't understand it so no questions?

This is the downstairs bathroom, see the toilet, not sure that's where it is going...

This big pipe will be under the floor down in the crawl space...

There is a hole in the floor....

And eventually more pipe will go up and down....

Downstairs bathroom sink.....

Upstairs bathroom sink....
'citing stuff right.... its pipe, it will carry waste water.. that's it!  BUT he did get the doors ordered!

Like I said its been a mixed bag of weather this week, we have been very spoilt this winter and we really haven't had the normal round of storms we are accustomed to.  This week reminded us not to be complacent.   But, when the wind stops blowing and the storm begins to clear out we are treated to some spectacular views....

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