Sunday, September 17, 2017

The house that Jack built!!

It's raining, just thought I would throw that in there!

This week has mostly been about finishing up stuff!  First off Mr M finished up the overhangs under the big dormer, once they were all in place he was able to crack on with the rest of the cedar...

Then he had to add the overhangs and fascias to the big dormer (at this point I should take the opportunity to remind everyone that I painted the fascias *takes a bow*)..

And yes he has also sheathed the big dormer walls, it's really cool as now we can see how our bedroom is going to look... 

Having completed the cedar on the overhangs Anal Ned aka. Mr M, decided that the doghouse dormers also needed cedar in their overhangs..... so that is what they got!

Fancy pants dormers...

As you can see it's all coming together but there is one vital element missing... the roof!  The roof, oh the roof, it's been a big topic of conversation, it's a very steep pitch this roof, and Mr M hasn't ever done a whole roof before AND the rain will arrive at some point.  As all good houses must have a good foundation and a good secure roof we decided that we should call in the experts!  Therefore the roof is off of Mr M's list of things "to do" and over the course of the next month it will be completed in stages.  First stage should be happening this week and the sheathing will be laid - appropriate that it's raining!

Now that the dilemma of the roof has passed Mr M can crack on with his porches, something he is very much looking forward to apparently!  He managed to find an excellent source Western Red Cedar via a conversation with someone, who knows someone, who is related to someone who has a plot of cedar and happens to mill it! Y'know how those conversations go! So this week Wilbur turned up with all the cedar posts ready for the back porch...

What I can tell you is that these are heavy... so very heavy! I thought I was being nice helping to move them into the house - If I had only known!  Smell delicious though!

Final job of the week was to put metal bands - hurricane ties - across the roof rafters to hold them together, I should take this opportunity to point out that I cut these pieces of metal to length - all 28 of them! I don't know how this house would get built without my efforts...

So that's it, that is the house full framed and built, nothing else to add! BIG well done to Mr M. 

This is the house that he has built....

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