Sunday, June 11, 2017

And she's climbing the stairway to heaven....

This week has been a busy busy week trying to catch the dry breaks in amongst the rain! it all started off ok but by Thursday we were dodging the wet stuff again!

First job was to get the other half of the floor joists put in.  You start with the joists hangers...

Including some double hangers for .... *drumroll*..... double joists....

Then you put the joists up....

So once all the joists are in place...

You can start laying the floor...

So we are up even higher and depending on how tall you are you could be the highest.  This is our bedroom....

Yep, reckon we will sleep well here, its got good feng shui...

So putting the floor on upstairs has given us our first proper room downstairs.  Mum your bedroom is ready whenever you fancy a visit.....

Knowing that there was rain coming, Wayne came back to complete some of the backfilling, he laid the drain pipe.  This is perforated pipe that the water running down the property drains down the rock into the pipe and then is drained out away from the footings.  Weirdly backfilling has made the house seem smaller, more manageable...

We certainly had enough rain to prove that the drain is working, he will be back in the next week or so to finish it up and landscape up at the front, then we hopefully can get rid of the remaining piles of dirt!

We have an upstairs but no way up... so today Mr M whipped up a set of temporary stairs, much easier than clambering up the scaffolding and ladder.  So he brought some 2 x 10 wood and sawed out some stringers with his manly saw!

What are stringers? these are stringers....

What do you do with stringers? you do this.....

Then you add the steps and voila, up you go....

Climbing the stairway to heaven - do we have a sea view? Not even if you squint really really hard!

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