Monday, May 29, 2017

Better late than never......

... here we are then, a day late just to keep you all on your toes and make sure you are paying attention!

This last week has been mostly about plywood, and putting it on the walls, not the most exciting of developments but at least now it does actually look like a house!

We first thought about leaving the windows and doors filled with the plywood and not cutting them out, but after a day of working in there Mr M decided that it be a bit like the sweat box in the Bridge over the river Kwai.... well ok, so not quite like that, but hot nonetheless!  Plus I wanted to be able to see the views out of the windows.  The idea with leaving the windows and doors boarded up, is if by the end of the summer the rain arrives before windows are installed we will end up boarding them up, cut out the middle man so to speak.

Anyway we have scrapped that idea...... obviously....
Apparently it isn't just a case of sticking plywood on the walls, there are a lot of nails involved (every 2.5 inches round the outside of all the panels) and then the panels have to be staggered so it is a bit like building a jigsaw, and of course cutting out the windows etc. is messy (itchy) work!
But now the majority of it is up, so next job is to install the beams for the upper floor that goes above half of the downstairs, beams are in place and ready to be lifted up....

We are now at the end of Memorial weekend, our first long weekend of the year! we were lucky enough to have our good friends Bob and Jen come visit from Seattle, we had SO much fun with them and their 2 dogs Pepper and Mana.

They brought us amazing English goodies from the World Market and a fresh pineapple from Hawaii (the benefits of having a friend who is a flight attendant)..

They brought yummy doggie treats which everyone appreciated...

Thank You for coming all the way to see us, we had such a great weekend.It is always fun showing our friends around...

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