Sunday, September 25, 2016

1 year, 12 months, 365 days, 8760 hours, 535,600 minutes, 31,536,000 seconds....

We are fast approaching our 1 year anniversary of life in the fast lane! sorry, life in the "slow" lane! 

 Anyway, before we digress with reminiscing lets catch up on what has been happening in the now....

The conservatory is nearly all finished - and I apologise in advance for the photos, I did ask the builder to provide them in daylight, but he forgot *tuts and rolls eyes*

So when we left last time the floor had been put down...

So Mr M cracked on and got it all framed...

Then he fitted the "bargain" windows we had brought a few weeks back for much cheapness! and he wrapped it all in tar paper and clad it all in cedar! what a deal that pile of cedar has been!  The roof is corrugated clear plastic to let the light in!

We still have to complete the inside, although the fairy lights are up...

And the door is a work in progress!!

This week he will finish it up and voila our conservatory will be finished! We are all set for the rain! Bring it On!!! although after today I am not sure winter is ever coming!

I myself have been cracking on with some painting! the kitchen cupboards had been waiting too long for tarting up, so they have all had some tlc...

First some paint, as shown by Miss Molly Wobbles....

I knew we would eventually find a use for that driftwood I collected last winter, makes lovely handles...

Next it wouldn't be a blog without the garden update, it just keeps on providing, we have lots and lots of tomatoes finally, and beans - anyone for beans!

My courgettes and cucumbers are going for the over achiever award 2016..

And potatoes, I still have 2 bins to tip....

Our neighbor was here last week and he had a very successful couple of fishing trips, the "prize catch" being this 25lb Green Ling Cod (its meat was green too), knowing that fish this size are out there is even more of a reason for me to stay on shore.... it's teeth are enormous.. but it tasted delicious though!!!!

We also had some visitors last week, Ray and his wife Leanne.   Ray and Gareth used to work together at Boeing.  We had a wonderful time with them showing them Wern Y Wylan and then taking them on a hike along one of our favorite beaches, we had such a good time we forgot to take any photos to mark the occasion :) but they were our first visitors in our new property/house/barn/shed, hopefully the first of many!

And so that brings us back to our One Year Anniversary! This year has flown by and I am very much enjoying going back through our blog to see how far we have come!  We are in a great position to be able to start our house "proper" at the beginning of 2017...

Highlights of this last year for me are...
  •  Actually moving....
  •  Surviving 7 months in the airstream and actually enjoying it...
  •  The creation of the saw horses...
  •    The endless talents of Mr M...

  • Starting my garden from scratch and watching it grow into something spectacular....

  • The bonfires....
  • The beach...
  •  The storms...
  • And the sunsets...

 I am excited to see where we will be on our 2nd year anniversary!

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