Sunday, April 10, 2016

Big Bed, Comfy Bed, Box, Box, Box!

Evening all, or is it morning all?

Mr M has had another busy week, first job was to put the wall board on the dividing wall and then he taped and skimmed the joints!  I was able to get on with the painting after work, we went with white on the bedroom side and yellow on the living room side.. adding a splash of color!

Next job for Mr M was to build a corner cupboard for the kitchen! gotta have somewhere to keep the vittles!

No doors, they will follow later!

Then there were lots of finishing off jobs to be completed, trim around the doors, silicone, heated towel rail in the bathroom, shower curtain rail, blah, blah, blah...

Heated towel rails the BEST invention ever! 

And of course the customary cleaning.... we got the fridge unwrapped and plugged in!  The washer/drier is all plumbed in and working hard... well, lets face it who isn't!

So here it is, all empty, clean and ready! we did take down the rest of the garage door :)

Still a few things to finish off.... cupboard doors, more storage above the fridge, a closet in the bedroom and I am sure my list will continue to grow!

But did we wait for all those jobs to be completed? No, those are just aesthetic details....

So we have had a manic weekend moving all our stuff out of the container and into the barn, but we are in, our furniture fits perfectly and we have plenty of space - I might swing a cat around later!

We want to get properly moved in and unpacked before showing off  our "tiny home" so check back in two weeks time for our next installment, we are switching to fortnightly publications of the blog, assuming that life will be a bit quieter for a few weeks - or maybe not! my list is only getting longer!

But for now we are enjoying the spoils of a comfy couch....

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