Sunday, February 21, 2016

She shoots, She scores!!!!!

Ready for this weeks progress report? here goes....

First job of the week was to finish up the shower pan, final layer of the mud and now it is all done and dusted and it is ready for tiling...

All nice and dry...

Then he cracked on with getting the wallboard onto the bathroom wall - anyone know why moisture resistant wallboard is purple?

Anyone? anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

It used to be green, but apparently purple is the new green!! I guess even in the world of wallboard they need to rebrand themselves from time to time!! Purple is of course superior to that old crappy green stuff we used to sell you!

Then of course the joints all have to be taped and sealed, still one more layer of mud to add then we can move onto putting in the hot water heater, sink, toilet, painting and tiling etc.

So lots of activity on the bathroom front :)
Next up the kitchen! Mr M is building the kitchen units himself, eventually they will be used in his garage, so your good old basic kitchen cabinets from Homedepot etc. aren't going to cut the mustard!
Plus, we know we can make them for less than we can buy them, cost of bulk timber around here is pretty low, and so it begins!
Kitchen sink will sit in the right hand side unit... workspace around the corner and then it will meet the cooker!  and then there will be more worktop/cupboard/shelf unit the other side of the cooker.

We are going white with red counter top!!! can't wait, hoping it looks as good in real life as it does in my head!
This week I have been assisting with the painting, every evening after work I have picked up the paintbrush and roller and off I go! We have made good headway, everything has had 2 coats of primer and today we managed to get a top coat on almost all of it!
I have of course been keeping up with my housewife duties, providing tea and cakes as necessary... this is how you eat cake when you have 3 dogs....
What a week of deals and savings! We finally purchased our appliances - fridge and cooker.  These will eventually end up in our house, so they have been our one big splurge, along with the pellet stove, for the garage.  We decided months ago which ones we would be purchasing, and I have been keeping an eye on the prices!  Finally ordered them this last week during the big President's Day Weekend Sale!! made a savings of almost $800!! woohoooo!
And then yesterday we went to Brookings to do our shopping, popped in to the hardware store to look for paint! whilst waiting for the little man to figure something out, my eye got drawn to a rack of discontinued paint! 75% YES 75% off!! We managed to purchased a 5 gallon container of paint that had a retail price of $235 for the princely sum of $59!!
I have so many questions about who spends $235 on paint ??? I mean we have used it and it is nice, but it is not tinted with gold!
Here we go - paint in action!

Spring definitely seems to be in the air around here, daffodils out all over, and the frogs are extremely vocal most nights!  We have even managed a couple of walks on the beach after work...



  1. Red and white will look fab. I have seen it before and it was stunning. Well done to you both your hard work is paying off and things are really taking shape.

  2. Red and white will look fab. I have seen it before and it was stunning. Well done to you both your hard work is paying off and things are really taking shape.
