Sunday, February 28, 2016

Plans, plans... keep on making plans!

Hello, hello... yes it's Sunday night again!

So what's been occurring this week?  The bathroom is coming along.  Mr M has finished building the concrete step to the shower base, takes longer than you think to create these kind of masterpieces...

Last week the wire mesh was in place....

Concrete was poured and formers put in place to help it set (and to stop sagging, I could use a couple of those fnar fnar)..

Finally by the end of the week it is fully dry, ready for tiling....

He then cracked on with wall boarding THE BIG dividing wall, we have delayed completing it as we had a doorway through to the garage end, but alas we needed to get the wall up, painted and finished!

It is a huge wall - love it, can't wait to get it painted..

But first the seams have to be taped and skimmed - this took Mr M all day.. as I said, it is a BIG wall...

This has to be done twice, first job this coming week is to get the second skim on, then I can crack on with the painting!

We have some paint in the bathroom...

And some electrics are being completed, yep they are wired up and "live".. plug it in, plug it in!

Each week brings us a little closer to our move in date... appliances arrive this week, and we have been drawing up complex plans for our internal layout.  Hmmmm we think everything will fit, naturally premium floor space will of course be taken up by dogs..

Continuing on with planning the kitchen we went to the beach today to start collecting the handles for the cupboards - watch this space!
And more complex plans have also been drawn up for my garden, helps a lot to know where everything is going to live, post it notes are of course the preferred medium for intricate designs..

My garden is really starting to come together, this bed is ready for strawberry plants....

The garlic I planted when we were first here in October has well and truly survived the wet winter and is growing like crazy...

Spring has sprung all around us, I planted these daffodils Fall 2014, they may not look like much but are providing me with inspiration for the rest of my garden!  There are fields of daffodils all over the place around here, as well as baby lambs! It's just like Wales!!

Got some crocuses too...

And I have even cut my grass...

Enjoy tomorrow folks as we LEAP into March - Happy 29th of February!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

She shoots, She scores!!!!!

Ready for this weeks progress report? here goes....

First job of the week was to finish up the shower pan, final layer of the mud and now it is all done and dusted and it is ready for tiling...

All nice and dry...

Then he cracked on with getting the wallboard onto the bathroom wall - anyone know why moisture resistant wallboard is purple?

Anyone? anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

It used to be green, but apparently purple is the new green!! I guess even in the world of wallboard they need to rebrand themselves from time to time!! Purple is of course superior to that old crappy green stuff we used to sell you!

Then of course the joints all have to be taped and sealed, still one more layer of mud to add then we can move onto putting in the hot water heater, sink, toilet, painting and tiling etc.

So lots of activity on the bathroom front :)
Next up the kitchen! Mr M is building the kitchen units himself, eventually they will be used in his garage, so your good old basic kitchen cabinets from Homedepot etc. aren't going to cut the mustard!
Plus, we know we can make them for less than we can buy them, cost of bulk timber around here is pretty low, and so it begins!
Kitchen sink will sit in the right hand side unit... workspace around the corner and then it will meet the cooker!  and then there will be more worktop/cupboard/shelf unit the other side of the cooker.

We are going white with red counter top!!! can't wait, hoping it looks as good in real life as it does in my head!
This week I have been assisting with the painting, every evening after work I have picked up the paintbrush and roller and off I go! We have made good headway, everything has had 2 coats of primer and today we managed to get a top coat on almost all of it!
I have of course been keeping up with my housewife duties, providing tea and cakes as necessary... this is how you eat cake when you have 3 dogs....
What a week of deals and savings! We finally purchased our appliances - fridge and cooker.  These will eventually end up in our house, so they have been our one big splurge, along with the pellet stove, for the garage.  We decided months ago which ones we would be purchasing, and I have been keeping an eye on the prices!  Finally ordered them this last week during the big President's Day Weekend Sale!! made a savings of almost $800!! woohoooo!
And then yesterday we went to Brookings to do our shopping, popped in to the hardware store to look for paint! whilst waiting for the little man to figure something out, my eye got drawn to a rack of discontinued paint! 75% YES 75% off!! We managed to purchased a 5 gallon container of paint that had a retail price of $235 for the princely sum of $59!!
I have so many questions about who spends $235 on paint ??? I mean we have used it and it is nice, but it is not tinted with gold!
Here we go - paint in action!

Spring definitely seems to be in the air around here, daffodils out all over, and the frogs are extremely vocal most nights!  We have even managed a couple of walks on the beach after work...


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Stand aside - the Foreman's arrived!!

WOW is it really Sunday again already?  I am enjoying looking back at our blog and seeing just how much we have achieved, not just since we arrived here permanently, but also since Mr M began the barn conversion.

This week we are really starting to feel that the end is in sight - just 6 more weeks and we will be there!

The shower is coming along.  We could have purchased a fibre glass prebuilt unit, that would have been much quicker and easier, however also more expensive.  As Mr M is a fairly proficient tiler and we aren't under any time constraints we decided to go with a mud pan, and tiles.

So the mud pan was started last week, this week he laid the shower pan membrane, no holes allowed..

Interesting fact about shower pans... did you know that concrete leaks? well it does, and so will tiles, well the grout will, so you put down the rubber membrane to fully seal the base, but wait, how do you know it won't leak?

Well you fill it with water of course, and to stop any water leaking down the drain hole you put a water balloon on top of it, or a variation there of....

Once you know it is leak proof you line the walls with tar paper, all the way to the floor.....

And then you put hardi (cement) board onto the walls, this is what the tiles will be fixed onto...

And to make sure that the step can be tiled, that also needs to be concreted, so a wire frame is built and the cement will be fixed onto this..

So this week he will finish off the mud pan, another layer of concrete, some more wire mesh and then a final layer of concrete...

We also took delivery of all the tiles this week... what a result that was!  We ordered packs of 12x12 inch white tiles to do the shower walls......

And then some smaller tiles for the floor.  Apparently the smaller tiles are ordered individually, so Mr M dutifully ordered 15 tiles, enough to do the floor of the shower pan.  He went out to accept delivery and the driver unloaded 2 pallets, hmmmm thought Mr M, I wasn't expecting this many! Turns out they had sent us 15 packs of ten, so 150 tiles, only 135 too many! but enough to tile the full bathroom floor now, so saves us having to buy linoleum to do that with! 

Turns out buying tiles is a VERY inexpensive event!

We are basically kitting out the entire interior in white, we don't have many windows and are aware that we need to keep it as light as possible inside.  So white tiles and walls in the bathroom, but just white would be a bit drab! I have found these amazing "Mexican" tiles that we will be adding to the shower in places.   This is just a small selection of what we have, we ordered 100 for the princely sum of $50 delivered to the door.  What a deal, what a steal these were - Thank Goodness for the internet!

It's going to be so pretty!!!!!

I might have to take over in the receivables department.... the delivery driver was only just pulling away from the kerb when Mr M managed to drop a box of tiles and of course some of them are now cracked, just 2 though, naturally we brought more than we needed for such eventualities, I kind of thought they might make it at least through the gate!

We got our pellet stove delivered last week, and so this week Mr M installed it, fitted the flue to the outside of the building..

And installed the stove inside, it is amazing, we are thrilled with it, heats the space up a treat and it is now snug as you like in there...

We had a pellet stove in our last house, and were extremely happy with it.  Most people round here have wood burners, however we believe that pellet stoves are more sustainable for us than a wood burner.  Wood pellets used in pellet stoves are tightly condensed, which makes burning them a low-moisture, highly efficient process. There are less harmful gases released into the air through wood pellet burning than with regular wood-burning stoves.

In addition, wood pellets are not a primary product of the forestry industry. Rather, they are a byproduct made with recycled wood from sawmills—usually formed from compacted sawdust and wood shavings, or the unused tops of trees that are cut down for logging.  As logging and lumber are major industries here in the Pacific Northwest it made total sense for us to purchase another one! Always 100% recommendation from us 2!

This weekend we have started on the big job of painting - naturally this is where I step in, I have always been the painter of the family and so after I had left Mr M in charge of the sanding I stepped in to take up the reins!  We are trying to get the ceiling completed - 2 coats of primer before the final white is applied :)

It is amazing what a coat of paint will do, makes it look almost complete....

Now that I am "paintbrush in hand" I think we are on the downhill stretch!

Lots of lovely beach walks this week, I am currently collecting beach glass, eventually we will be setting it into acrylic to make some shower shelves.....

So onwards and upwards, another busy week lies ahead of us!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Once upon a time, on a far off distant beach........

Here we are, the end of another week... Mr M has been cracking on as usual.  He spent some time finishing up all the bits of plasterboard that still needed to be finished. 

Then he made a start on the shower base... first of all the shower drain is fitted, then a piece of tar paper is laid, this is to prevent the moisture from the cement drying into the plywood underneath, then a layer of wire mesh is laid to help hold the cement in place....

Then the first layer of the cement is put in, it is about 3/4 inch thick and sloped towards the drain...

This is then left to dry, this week he will be finishing up the floor and building up the curb and moving forward to finishing the shower!  We have ordered all our tiles and they will be arriving this week.

Our pellet stove got delivered, we haven't fitted it yet though as the flue isn't getting here until this week.  But it looks convincing, we will be getting it "fired" up this week!

The rest of the week was spent taping and skimming the plasterboard joints, this is just the first layer, second layer is coming this week too!  I don't think this is one of Mr M's most favorite jobs, he isn't satisfied with the finish but to be honest I think it looks great, but whadda I know?

Daisy loves the garage transformation and is hoping that the kissing booth stays....

We have had some lovely sunny days this week and more to come, I love to walk on the beach with my head down looking in amongst the rocks and the sticks, it is curious what one can find...

We found this interesting rock, well we think it is a rock, but we don't really know! It smells and for a short while we thought it was sperm whale vomit and worth a fortune. OH the things we were going to buy with our treasure...
But Thanks to google and Wikipedia we discovered that those special treasures are more specific to the Atlantic and not the Pacific.. hey ho....
I think this will have to go back to the beach, it is far to interesting to Tilly who spends most of her days (and evenings) stood barking at it!!
Anyone know what it could be? we are thinking maybe bone?
And then of course there are all the other treasures!

Once Upon a Time, on a far off distant beach lived a duck....

He was a very lonely duck with only shells for friends....

He tried laying an egg to make a friend...

but it didn't hatch...

Then one day he came across a beautiful starfish who was laying in the sunshine in a gorgeous shell...

Finally his Princess, but was she the one? He handed her the glass slipper to see if it would fit...

A perfect fit, they fell in love and lived happily ever after.....