Sunday, December 27, 2015

'Tis the season to be jolly!!!!!!

Well that's Christmas done and dusted for another year - Oh No, wait.. I still have 1 more day off tomorrow woohoo!

Not a huge amount to report on from the build this week, due to the festive period, I did let Mr M have 4 days off too, although as I am writing this he is out in the garage doing wiring!

I really do admire all my dedicated readers, I am sure there are more interesting blogs out there? somewhere? maybe? but this week it sure is electrifying around these parts! Electrics here, there and everywhere!

Light switches inside....

Each bay now has 2 lights, not necessarily for when we are living in there but certainly for when it is a garage, the more lights the merrier!

We have an outside switch for our outside lights.. Oh and some outside taps (faucets) so there was a bit of plumbing this week too!

And then Christmas happened! I am going for "wife of the year" award, which I have to say, by letting my husband quit his job to basically be a builders bum already has me high up on the list! I think the thing that will tip the vote in my favor was buying the Quality Street for Christmas!  Most expensive tin ever, but so worth it! it just wouldn't be Christmas otherwise!

We had a great Christmas, despite there not being a huge roast dinner, we did BBQ steaks and trust me, we ate plenty :) It was nice to just kick back on the most uncomfortable sofa in the world and watch TV! But wait you cry...  you don't have a TV in your trailer, I have never seen one?

Ah ha.. I am married to Mr M remember!  We have a door under the window ledge..

And behind the Green door we have an ingenious bracket..

And voila... we have TV!

What else did we do this weekend? well over the festive weekend Cape Blanco lighthouse, and historic Hughes House have been open to the public for free tours, so we went to the lighthouse yesterday, we weren't able to go up into the lantern room as there is some structural issues apparently, but we went inside and saw the lighthouse room etc.  It was built in 1870 and has some really interesting history, if you are interested you can read more about it here:

The light house sits 1.5 miles out into the ocean on Cape Blanco and apparently highest recorded winds out on the cape were on the Columbus Day Storm, when it was recorded around 180 mph! 

Today we went to the historic Hughes House, built in 1898 by an Irish man and his wife who established the first dairy farm on the sixes river.  It is decorated for Christmas every year and opened to the public by the Cape Blanco Historical Society.  It was gorgeous, I could easily live there, they were obviously a very wealthy family as it is a big house for that time.  Each room was decorated by individual local organizations, next year I will be getting them in to decorate my home for Christmas!

It is good to see that everything we have is multi-functional! both the spaniels got a haircut yesterday as they were rather ahem - shaggy!  Mr M makes a fantastic job of grooming them and as Port Orford doesn't have a dog groomers, maybe he should think about starting a business, he could go mobile as his scaffolding has wheels!

As long as everyone just wants their dogs to have a buzz cut our business will be a success!!

I have decided that living here I need to embrace the local culture, during the winter the main topic of conversation is the weather, how much rain was there last night? which direction does the wind blow? etc.  My Christmas presents definitely will help me to immerse myself into it fully!

Thermometer and rain gauge *nerd alert*

And my weathervane, I love her!

One of Mr M's presents was this...

If the dog grooming business doesn't pan out, maybe he could write a book! I am sure he has some additions he could add to this guys ideas!

Finally, we did some chicken maintenance - on the coop not the chickens, we had them positioned in the lowest part of their plot and so they were getting quite wet, we moved them up to higher ground and also added some plastic siding to stop the southerly wind and rain blowing in on them.  We also have finished their gate and now they are all set.

I personally think they are going through a faze of non-forgiveness judging by the lack of eggs - by Spring they might love me again!

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