Sunday, November 22, 2015

A picture tells a thousand tales.......

Week 7 of the big adventure, week 7 already? OR.... only week 7!

Woohoo! the fence is finished! the dogs are able to be out and about with us and they were so happy, there was lots of running!  Lots of exploring!

We have insulation for the garage........................

Clouseau: Does yer dewg bite?
Inn Keeper: No
Clouseau: Nice Doggy (bends down to pet a dachshund - it snarls and bites him)
I thought you said yer dewg did not bite!
Inn Keeper: Zat... iz not my dog! 


Mr M spent a day putting on additional rafters for the wall board to be screwed to, which will go over the insulation!  Got to use his new scaffolding and didn't fall off, so that was a bonus!

And then there was wiring, more wiring, each garage bay needs 2 light fixtures, and they all have to be wired in, plus we are putting on 2 more outside lights!

Today we made a start on clearing up ALL the sticks we have on our property.  When he was doing the fencing Mr M had cleared a lot along the fence line and I had been gathering and raking up as I go about doing garden type stuff!  So we finally got around to having a bonfire, what a perfect day for it! I think we will be having a lot of fires this winter, it is a bit over whelming with how many sticks we have to burn!

Good opportunity to have a snarf around for deer poop!

Stick collecting got a bit much for some....

Finally everyone crashed out....

Daisy loves a good fire!

Weather has been glorious, warm and sunny, does NOT feel like the end of November and here we are heading into Thanksgiving!

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