Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Nearly there....

 Yes, we are nearly there.  Just a quick update as I am not sure when we will update once we have moved in.

All the rooms are now finished, and flooring is being laid.  We had the final plumbing and electrical inspections done, we need to add outside steps and stair rails and finish up the staircase hand rails before we can get occupancy certificate. 

Kitchen.... there will be some more tiles added to the front of the island, and some open shelves on the back wall, once we have moved in...

Dining room lights looking all fancy...

Also hanging around is the chain for the ceiling fan, recycled some bicycle chains and sprockets.

Whilst we didn't have nice flooring down, we brought the scaffolding back inside and put the chimney in, and we cleaned the big windows, dormers, fans, lights and ceiling.

Utility room...

Downstairs bathroom and bedroom... 

The sink unit will be getting an upgrade and the addition of a window seat, once we have moved in.

Up the stairs....

Bedroom complete with flooring...

Bathroom has all the finishing touches done...

And that is really it.  Rest of the flooring is set to go down in the next couple of weeks.  I have been cleaning windows and re-finishing pieces of furniture, painting and new knobs, and sanding and oiling.  

My sewing project turned into a major engineering project. Finally, I shooed him away and did it my way!

But I have all my curtains, I'm ready to go...

We have a scheduled move in date, but no way am I putting it out into the big wide world, you'll know when we know.

It's been a hot, dry summer, both garden and puppy growing well!