Thursday, February 24, 2022

Shut the front door....

What's been happening in forever?

Windows and interior doors all trimmed out and final paint completed.  We are going white trim on all the windows and doors.  There is a lot of bare wood in the house already, plus the interior doors are also all wood.

Interior doors are being hung, some of the frames still need to be painted but it's progress.  Big old pile of doors...

Pocket door from master bedroom to bathroom..

Painting has been happening in spots....

Utility room is mostly finished, we can just live in there...

He has hidden his plumbing thingy wotsit...

The little dormers are all finished, trimmed out, painted and complete with their spotlights which will have LEDs with smart lighting for different colors.  We've been trialing the bulbs in the barn and gotta say loving the ocean blue selection when watching TV..

Oh and all the light switches and sockets are complete, who knew deciding what to use would be so all consuming and soul sucking.  This switch does this, and that one does that and upstairs and downstairs, do you want a half switch top to bottom or left to right, dimmer or not, shiny or matt *rolls eyes*

And so all this continues, rinse and repeat, paint, trim, trim, paint.  I try to stay engaged and not ask "how much longer".

But in other exciting news he has been in full on engineering mode all winter making a ceiling fan!  I will caveat this right now with a "I was not all that excited about this project, BUT, I have known him for a very long time and I am sure it will look amazing" statement.

So if you go online you can visit this website and take a look at these ceiling fans...  Mr. M being who he is has spent the winter making Something similar to sit in the large vaulted ceiling.

Lots of metal, lots of welding, some nosy belts, and now some painting and many, many, many hours of labor! good job I am not paying him.

This will be the final placement..

Apparently the belt is too noisy, I can JUST make out what he is talking about...

The blades will sit into these funky brackets all handmade by him and approved by me!
These screw into the brackets, made by him...

The attach to the above and the fan paddles are attached to these, cut by him, all 32 of them, and he is painting them all by hand...

Now he is busy painting everything.  Goal is to have it all painted and in place minus the fan blades, and then the false floor can come out and we will finally see what the living/dining room space will look like from the ground.

Fan blade design and final paint are still in discussion.  He discusses, I pretend to listen and we go with whatever he thinks he can make.

I think that is where we are at.  Left to do, fitting of bathrooms, building of kitchen and choosing and laying of flooring.  Doesn't sound much but life carries on and with one man working all by himself it takes a while.

2022 has started well, we've done a few trips and enjoyed some beautiful summer weather in January/February, and I am starting to prepare the garden for planting.  My Spring bulbs are starting to pop and before we know it another year will have passed us by.