Sunday, March 28, 2021

End of Q1

Since we last updated the blog winter is done, Spring has sprung and we are already through the first quarter of 2021.

The house is now fully drywalled, still a bit of tape and skimming to do and a couple of rooms to be primed, but all the other rooms are done and ready for final paint.  The heating works like a total charm, it is nice and cozy for Mr. M to be in there every day, productivity hasn't dropped off too much but there is a comfy chair out there so who knows, napping may be occurring.

We have chosen colors, we have been speaking to a friend and local artist about kitchen tiles, we have made lots of other decisions including, maybe bathroom tiles, or maybe we will still waiver on those for a little longer, and we feel like we are in the homeward stretch.  These are all the things that take the time, the finishing.

Daffodils have looked amazing this year.  The ones in pots will be transplanted into the garden to finish dying back and hopefully they will flower again next year and onwards.  I will be rinsing and repeating this fall until I get to a point where there is no more room for daffodils.  I love them, one of my favorite flowers.

We've been working hard in the garden, getting it ready for the summer.  We replaced some of the existing raised beds and I got ahead of the game and ordered seeds back in January, I also went and brought plenty of bags of compost to freshen up all of the beds.

I've replanted my flower beds with "deer resistant" flower mix - watch this space, I will report back, the skeptic in me thinks they will get eaten.  I refreshed and replanted all my strawberry beds with new bareroot stock, and moved some of my older plants into a new bed.  This year I did the weed matting in the hope that I can keep pests at bay, but I am sure I have just given the slugs somewhere to hide - again, watch this space.

We've finished up the leeks that were planted last fall (leek and potato soup anyone) 

I have broad (fava) beans, parsnips, peas, potatoes, beets, carrots, turnips, cilantro and spring onions all planted up.  Carrots have been in for a while and slow to germinate but the days are getting warmer as well as longer so hopefully growth will start soon!

Got my zukes and cuke seeds on the heat mat, and I found some old tomato seed and just chucked them in a pot, so far I have 6 germinated.  I said last year I wouldn't grow tomatoes again as I have never had success with them here, our plot is too shady and they grow well but when waiting for them to go red we run out of summer!  Apparently last years self didn't listen as I am giving it another go. 

Feels good to be back into longer days and outside more, we'll try not to let it keep us from updating you at the end of next quarter - if not before ;)