Thursday, December 31, 2020

Final hurrah for 2020....

It's all about heating, actually the heat pump. Warning "picture" heavy blog and quite possibly the most boring blog ever!

It's not a cheap business, lots of "specialist tools" ebay provided a good source of used items saving quite a chunk of money...

First you build the concrete pad for the outside unit to sit on....

Then you purchase a big old copper pipe to connect the units....

Inside unit....

Connected to the outside unit...

Then the copper pipe was "braised" together, using the oxy acetylene kit and purging the pipes with argon...

Next it is pressure tested with argon...

A vacuum pump is connected so that all the air and moisture is removed from the system

Then a micron gauge checks the vacuum (exciting stuff right!) then the valves are opened on the outside unit to fill the system with refrigerant.

Some wiring was then completed inside, outside and to the thermostat unit...

Heating is up and working - toasty and warm - NOT!

Back down to the crawl space to finish up the plastic sheeting, which is laid over the gravel to stop moisture coming up through...

Then he shut the door to the house and took another 2 weeks off for the festive season.  We wish everyone a happy new year and onwards to 2021 and beyond! 

2021 = THE year we move in!!