Sunday, April 26, 2020

Live from Oregon....

Here we are keeping busy during these weird times.  It's been full steam ahead with the taping and skimming...

He's got a banjo (and is wearing a lot of the mud)....

The banjo is used to add coat of mud with the tape, as it runs down the wall...

Basically he is just filling all the screw heads, filling all the joints, rinse and repeat 3 times.  He is almost done upstairs so cracking along...

Meanwhile Spring has sprung, and the garden is in bloom...

Veggies are in in their neat and tidy rows and on their way up, up up..

Planted peas of mind....


Salad onions, and there is more, but seriously, rows of veggies are quite boring to look at....

Blog isn't as frequent as you might think it should be, mostly because this house building is in a very repetitive cycle.  In the meantime, stay home, stay safe and work on all your projects!