Sunday, March 22, 2020

Whilst the entire world is going mad...

Work has been continuing on the build.  In fact I am hoping this lockdown might end up being a good thing for my house build!

So bathrooms, that is where is it at.  Downstairs bathroom concrete board got finished up and it looks like a bathroom...

Upstairs the inspection on the shower tray got completed, after it was deemed to be fully waterproof.  The water was in there for about 4 days not just the recommended 4 hours, no leaks...

Additionally thinking long term we might one day add a steam room into this shower and so some additional plumbing was required...

And with that in mind the walls got insulated with the special spaceman insulation...

Then wrapped in plastic....

And then concrete board added...

With the other walls getting their plasterboard covering, can't get a full picture as it is too weeny in there...

Additionally Mr. M has been going round all the outside corners and adding metal corner beading, this is because these corners could be damaged when they get bumped into, it also appeals to Mr. M's OCD as it keeps them all nice and straight ____________ ..

Now the upstairs bathroom is done he is finishing up the big bedroom wall, this requires the assistance of moi, which is why it didn't get broken coming up from downstairs to it's final place....

In other news I have been enjoying our lovely dry weather and have been busy out in the garden.  I have planted some seeds which are being slow to germinate as it is possibly still too cold, but I have been digging beds, weeding paths, adding soil to raspberry beds and generally spending time with nature....

The birds are singing, the sun rises, the sun sets and the world keeps turning.  All things will pass and we want everyone to "stay home and stay healthy"...