Sunday, February 23, 2020

Catching up...

It's been a while so here we are to catch you up on proceedings.  We have just had a wonderful two weeks back in the Motherland, where we ate too much, talked too much and generally had a fantastic time with our favorite people and our cupboards are now full of the necessities...

And then it was back to work.  Before we went away Mr. M had mostly finished up the drywalling, since then it's been all about the bathrooms.

Downstairs bathroom, got rid of the wooden paneling that had temporarily been on the walls, and replaced with lovely normal drywall...
Then insulation was added around the bath/shower, it is solid foam insulation. 

And an upstand (a piece of trim) it keeps any water that might drip down on the wallboard and keeps it in the bath....

Then the insulation had plastic covered over the top....
and finally concrete board, next stop tiles...
And upstairs things have also been progressing, shower tray was framed...

Then lined with tar paper and a layer of wire mesh....

Then the first layer of mortar...

And the shower liner added....

And of course the drain...
Things keep on progressing forward, 2 more weeks and our clocks move forward too, and then it will be time to get back out in the garden!  If last weeks weather is anything to go on Spring really is just around the corner....