Sunday, January 12, 2020

I've been remiss.....

I didn't realize how long it had been since I last did an update, apologies.  As you will see the update isn't that exciting, drywall, drywall and more drywall.  We also had the festive season and now we are onto a whole new year,  Happy New Year and maybe, just maybe, 2020 will be the year of the house.

Kitchen ceiling, but first all the light fittings had to be rewired as he decided to use a different connector....

And then the kitchen wall, but first it needed additional blocking for all the kitchen cabinets...

ohhhh it actually looks like a room now....

Hallway door surrounds..

Fire suppressant foam squirted in all gaps between the floors...

And then onto the end wall, first insulation...

Then it was wrapped in plastic and a layer of plywood added as this is part of the sheer wall construction (a big wall with lots of holes in)...

Then the final drywall....

The utility ceiling, again all the lights needed rewiring...

The walls in here will be wainscot, which in normal persons language is wooden paneling, trying to add some different textures around the house.
So that's all the update I have for you  Not much is happening in the garden, the carrots are all done and the parsnips are nearly finished, we are still eating the potatoes from last summers harvest, delicious.  Won't be much longer and Spring will arrive.