Sunday, July 28, 2019

Moving right along......

Moving right along with insulation.....

And some more squirty cream expandable foam....

He then had an inspection on the insulation and got a tick v.g. so he was able to switch it up a bit and start on the dry wall/plaster boarding.  We have some VIP guests arriving so we are working on the guest bedroom and bathroom.

Ceiling first....

And onto the walls, cut no corners you are being watched...

Summer is in full swing in the garden, pickings are good and we are enjoying lots of yummy stuff on a daily basis.

I harvested my garlic for 2019 and I definitely didn't plant as much as I harvested.  I ended up with 95 bulbs! Oh My.  I took some to the farmers market yesterday and will keep all the biggest bulbs to replant, we should be set for garlic for the next year...

I've already cleared the bed and planted up cauliflower and brussel sprouts in it, and in the cleared pea bed have another full planting of peas that I am hoping will arrive right around the end of the summer!

Until next time folks.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Bloomin' lovely...

Last week was a short week as it was July 4th, so we had some company come to town and kicked back and enjoyed the celebrations Port Orford style.

Back to work and it is on with insulation.  It's all about the walls...

Quick update from the garden, the pollinators are loving the pollinator beds and doing their thang....

Every year I wonder if we will get anything out of it, and then, the garden starts giving us the good stuff...

Peas glorious peas...

Finally, this is the third year the swallows have visited this birdhouse, babies are hanging on as long as possible before flying the nest.....