Sunday, May 19, 2019

Back at it.....

After an unexpected break in the proceedings Mr. M is now back at it.  The cables are done, all pulled for all the circuits.  Cables, cables everywhere, and not a light that works (yet)…

The heat pump is all wired in,...

And its on to pigtailing… I might not have read the book, but I'm pretty sure this isn't what they mean...

Pigtailing - the act of preparing the ends of the wires before the outlets are fitted....

Mr. M is hoping that he can get his rough electrical inspection completed this week, and then it will be onto covering it all up, insulation time!!

Spring has definitely sprung.  We had some pretty heavy April showers and then the tap got turned off and we had 3+ weeks of dry weather with a stiff breeze which quickly dried everything out. Thankfully this last week we have had some lovely May rain. 

I picked the last of this Springs cauliflowers, they are so yummy....

And my Summer garden is powering through all the weather it is getting and is all planted up for another season....