Sunday, November 4, 2018

And on we go.....

...with shingles.  Mr. M completed the two back dormers, sealed all around the windows, and they are done...

Whilst the weather holds the goal is to get all the singles on.  Efforts are now being made to finish the front wall, when the sun shines he is outside... 

(Grass seed is coming up Dad, bit patchy but hoping the sheep I am going to get will help with that ;) )

And on those rainy days he is under cover of the front porch....

He is cracking along.  At the end of this week he is off on vacay (YES again, in my next life I want to marry me) so the goal is to get the front finished up.

Quick garden update mostly because I am impressed that I am still harvesting in November.  Today's haul was peas, carrots and a parsnip...

I am still managing to have fresh flowers on the table each week....

Next years garlic is planted...

Plenty of parsnips still to come....

And my cauliflowers are coming on well....

Carrots, beetroot and arugula....

So even though the clocks have changed we are still trying to hang onto summer for as long as possible.