Sunday, September 9, 2018

Be warned, last blog for a month....

But before we sign off for a bit here's what we've up to.  Bath got plumbed in..

Drain hole got installed...

Passed inspection...

Running water....

Toilet installed....

And all complete... we aren't planning to keep the wood paneled wall behind the toilet!! Just incase you thought we had lost our minds!

Once the bathroom was all systems go he was back to the shingles, curved window frame complete and installed, tick, v.g….

And shingles on the way up...

Plan is to get this wall finished off this week then we are on hollibobs.  We've got some very important guests arriving so we are taking a well earned break, we'll be back in a month.

Flags are out...

Spit, polish, bath and a haircut and we're ready for the grand arrival!

Monday, September 3, 2018

From Grand Designs to Changing rooms...

Like I mentioned last week, shingling is "on hold" as gears have been switched this week.  First job Mr. M did a spot of painting as he wants to have the window frame ready to go as soon as he is back on it.  The curve was cut out of a piece of 2x10 piece of wood...

Two pieces were cut out and will be notched together to make a complete curve...

And painting...

Next job was rather a dusty one, but Mr. M got to use a big boys toy! digging the trench for the water line...

A huge chainsaw, incredibly dangerous looking type machine that isn't for girls, cuts through the dirt (or in the case of dirt at the end of a dry summer = dust) creates about a 3 inch wide, 16 inch trench, from the pumphouse all the way up to the garden...

With a detour into the house...

And you lay the pipe that will run the water, plus a piece of tracer wire...

Hook up the house....

And hopefully next week we will have running water in our house....

So that we can lie in this...

Yes, we have a bath....
Sitting in its wooden frame, and on a bed of mortar....

So, what's the rush with the bathroom? well we have guests arriving shortly, and so Mr. M and me will be "temporarily" moving into our new house.  Having a bathroom with a shower, toilet and hot water was one of my requests...
Now we are in an episode of "changing rooms" and this weekend was spent turning this room into something habitable....

It's amazing what some cardboard on the walls will do...

And cardboard has lots of interesting features already built in.....

Like a bathroom peep hole (not a feature we will be keeping in the house real)…

Another thing we won't be keeping in the house real, is this rather rustic door handle, a Mr. M special, may work for a barn...
The good news is that our VIP guests have bedroom and bathrooms already assembled and ready to go, ours is a WIP but it's going to be fun getting it finished...