Sunday, December 23, 2018

Shingle bells, shingles bells....

… shingle all the way!! ho ho ho.... credit for the title goes to my lovely friend Carole, there is a reason she is MarKeTING!

This week saw more progress on the final wall, power outlet placeholder and shingling..

It's looking good from the back...

and he finally put his big boy pants on and got the roof jacks down from the front too... 

So that's all from us in 2018, thanks for coming along on this journey with us and we'll be back in 2019, will it be the "year of completion"?

Merry Everything to Everyone!

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Light at the end of the tunnel.....

….. the shingling tunnel that is! Putting finishing touches to the top of the front porch wall.  First of all you need to make templates for the shingles...

Then you put them up, 2 rows of hexagons, 2 rows of circles and a row of diamonds...

And so at last onto the final wall...

The plan is to have this wall finished before Christmas, the reality is that it won't happen :) :) best laid plans and all that!

I love the garden this time of year, everything looks dormant but I know that in the ground there are good things happening that we can't see, getting ready for Spring and the next growing season.  I am currently pulling carrots and parsnips, and it won't be too long before I am cutting cauliflowers.

The winter garden is full of hope!

Sunday, December 9, 2018

At last....

.. the worker Mr. M has resumed activity, although he did ask the other day how much time WE were having off for Christmas *rolls eyes*

He's been playing with copper...

Making a head flashing for the front door...
Then with a break in the rain he was able to carry on with the shingles on the front wall..

So that is completed, that means three walls are all completely finished....

The back wall is all that is left, it is under cover so hopefully rain shouldn't stop play!! but anything else could. 

Sunday, November 4, 2018

And on we go.....

...with shingles.  Mr. M completed the two back dormers, sealed all around the windows, and they are done...

Whilst the weather holds the goal is to get all the singles on.  Efforts are now being made to finish the front wall, when the sun shines he is outside... 

(Grass seed is coming up Dad, bit patchy but hoping the sheep I am going to get will help with that ;) )

And on those rainy days he is under cover of the front porch....

He is cracking along.  At the end of this week he is off on vacay (YES again, in my next life I want to marry me) so the goal is to get the front finished up.

Quick garden update mostly because I am impressed that I am still harvesting in November.  Today's haul was peas, carrots and a parsnip...

I am still managing to have fresh flowers on the table each week....

Next years garlic is planted...

Plenty of parsnips still to come....

And my cauliflowers are coming on well....

Carrots, beetroot and arugula....

So even though the clocks have changed we are still trying to hang onto summer for as long as possible.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

This week even I'm impressed....

Another week, another shingle, but this week something a little different.  Mr. M cracked on with the little dormers, the sides were done already...

So onto the fronts.  Hexagonals, honeycomb, whatever you fancy calling them they look amazing, and yes, I am impressed...

I am so enamored with them I have requested them elsewhere, but that was met with a firm "no", they do take a while.  So he just has the front and back walls to complete, then we will be fully buttoned up!

He is back on the ground and in his happy place...

That's all folks!

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Some work was done this week.....

Main job to get completed before the wet weather arrives (when will that be?) is to get the dormers all covered up, then all the high up, outside work, will be done.

We decided to do something different on the sides of the dormers, not shingles, we thought it would give a nice contrast.  The bonus is that tongue and groove goes up much quicker, and is much easier for Mr. M when he is hanging off of the roof.

First the big dormer, one side at a time.....

The big dormer is now all finished up, ready for the wind and rain!

And then onto the little dormers, corner posts and sides - tick!

The week got off to a slow start due to a couple days fishing, it was worth it though as the freezer got topped up and Mr. M caught a corker, 24lb green ling, he was pretty chuffed with his days work.....