Sunday, November 26, 2017

We're back!

So here we are, we are back from our hollibobs and back to work... well I am Mr M is still stalled slightly but raring to go.   His back is improving slowly, but these things take a while to fully heal, however, as the ever sympathetic wife I haven't had to be quite so understanding lately so I assume it is feeling better!  Or maybe he has taken the hint and stopped talking about it to me!

So quick house update, before we left we boarded up the windows at the front of the house to try to protect it from the rain and wind as much as possible, nothing dramatic happened whilst we were away but we did lose a bit of the tar paper from the front of the roof.

This week the roofer returned and repapered the big dormer and then a very exciting event occurred.. the roof got delivered! One step closer to getting it completed....

Boom truck arrived and lifted the shingles up onto the roof....

Fully extended out to the back of the house....

*fingers tightly crossed* we are getting our roof finished soon!

Also this week the first order of windows should be arriving.  Mr M's long break is about to come to an end for which I think he is pretty happy about, this week he actually said "I can't wait to get back to work" these are not the sort of words Mr M ever bandies around... that's dangerous talk that is!

We had a brilliant trip back to England, we definitely crossed off all 4 of the R's - Recover, Recoup, Rest and Relaxation.

We had lots of family and friends time....

Mr M's best birthday cake ever.....

Enjoyed the Welsh and English countryside....

And enjoyed waking up to the sight of these beauties....

See you next week where hopefully we will be back in full action.......