Sunday, March 26, 2017

Under starters orders and they're off.....

Tally Ho!! So this is it, fed up for waiting for the weather to improve we have taken the plunge (quite literally) and we have begun! I mean it is the end of March so the weather is destined to improve soon - right?

This could take a while...
First sod taken from the site.... No going back now!

Mr M took the adult decision and downed shovel and got the big boys in...

The mounds of dirt *sigh*  eventually they will be used for back filling around the foundations and then the rest is going to a good home...

A man and his hole....

 Next it they layed pipework ready for septic lines and electric cables and then they lined it with gravel, keep the workers out of the mud...

Then just for a change it rains and you discover you have in fact built a swimming pool, Thankfully we have also had some dry weather and so discovered that it does drain pretty quickly!
And so now we are all set for the concrete guy to come and lay the foundations, we are hoping that it will be this week! watch this space!

Obviously whilst this has been going on we have had some downtime and actually took off back up to Seattle to ski for a few days, so much fun apart from the rain! we might actually be Rain Gods! 

Thank you Tom for coming to meet us, never fails to be a good day on the mountain!

In other exciting news the garden is back on the grow.  The bulbs I planted so diligently in the Fall have done me proud, we have SO many daffodils etc. up and about...


So here's hoping that Spring is really on its way!

We just had a great weekend with my friend Joni and her husband Leo and their 2 dogs Kane and Ace.  So much fun to catch up and plenty of dog walking whilst they were here.

Thank you for bringing the sunshine and feel free to bring it back anytime :)

Check back next week I am thinking we could be back in full blog action!