Sunday, February 19, 2017

Under Starters Orders.......

Ola blog readers!  Quick update from the wonderful world of our Grand Design!

Firstly we have our permit, all approved and ready to go, we also have a contractor lined up to put in the foundations and they are ready to go... Now we just have to wait for the weather to give us a satisfactory break! Its interesting that even after all the rain we have had this winter our property is still really dry, I did some digging earlier (more on that shortly) and the ground is still dry.... No Mud clogging on my Wellies!!

Work continues on the "plans" Mr M needs to remember it isn't an airplane, if the final build deviates slightly from the plans the world won't end! but it is keeping him quiet during these wet days!
When it hasn't been raining he has been putting up a fence!  The fence is dividing the vegetable garden/orchard from what will eventually be the main back garden.  I am hopeful that this fence, along with other measures will help to deter the deer and send them to other, easier gardens, to invade!  It will also be useful in keeping Daisy Dog out of the veggie beds when they are blooming!
I've got arbors too... ohhhh arrrrrrbors!

I have plans to put in another couple of raised beds this year, so today I got started on the first one as I want to get some additional raspberry plants installed, its hard work digging when you have had a few months off. 

I have also netted my existing raspberry bed as that suffered greatly last year at the hands/mouths/hooves of the deer - let them try now suckers......

This winter has been a mixture of weather, wet and wild and cold and frosty!  February is certainly living up the wet and wild name. Mr M just happened to be stood next to one of our tall trees that is opposite the barn the other day, and thought he was having a bit of a moment, turns out that every time the wind blew he was moving up and down, the ground next to the tree was heaving about 5-10 inches, quite fascinating to watch! but obviously a bit concerning.
It could have hit the barn, the cars or Glenda's house, so despite Mr M getting all manly and self important with his chainsaw we both realized this tree was too big for the both of us!  So we got Wayne (who helped us clear the land) to come over and take it down for us!  But this was after a particularly windy weekend during which we basically watched and hoped it stayed upright!
Mr M paced it out and it is about 90ft.. so fairly large! plus once it came down it was apparent it was starting to rot!
Good fuel for our bonfires though and also some new seats to go around the firepit!

In the meantime when it isn't wet and windy, its this..........