Sunday, October 9, 2016

According to Billy Connolly "the Queen thinks the world smells like fresh paint"

What have you been working on then Mr M?

First some painting.....

Fitted some windowsills....

It's all kitted out now, we are just waiting for some more cedar to arrive with Butch and then he can finish the top of the walls...

Windows are perfect for peering in (Mum.. this pose must be familiar to you!)

Next job is working on preparing to move the container - he wants it moved back so that it is inline with the garage, this is something that has been bothering Mr M's OCD for over a year!

First you dig some square holes...

Then you fill them with concrete....

And voila, now you have some piers for the container to sit on and keep it level...

There has also been some general tidying up and finishing up of odd jobs like FINALLY getting some guttering on the back of the barn!

Big preparations for the "Royal" visit have been a huge motivator in getting all our jobs finished... we have finished painting all the kitchen cupboard doors, and we finally have "hidden" our messy storage area...

Mr M put the curtain pole up...

And I made the curtains...

I am loving our stable door in the "conservatory"...

I whipped the roller out and have given it a coat of paint to make it match the barn...

Port Orford has also been making an effort, all the local businesses were approved to paint all the hydrants in an effort to "pretty" up the town, they have done a fantastic job!!

Photo credits to Hallie - THANKS Hallie x

And this is my favorite...

I am sure all our efforts won't go unnoticed and now I am pondering if the world does smell like paint to the Queen?

I will remember to ask her when she arrives!