Thursday, November 6, 2014

And then there was water!!!!!

We had a great few weeks in Port Orford and did a lot of exploring, both around the little town and up in our neighborhood and all of the streets up around there.  We got to meet a few of our neighbors which was great and everyone is so friendly, or maybe that is nosey :) they all want to know what we are doing, what we will be building and when we are moving!  We are happy to tell everyone all about our plans, we understand that it must be quite disturbing to suddenly see a piece of land sold that has been wooded for a long time, and then it is cleared and of course people are curious!

Our direct neighbors have had to put up with a lot this summer, a lot of noise and a lot of dust, we have given them some of the timber that we couldn't sell, to use as firewood through the winter.  They are currently renting the property so I don't feel quite so bad LOL.  Unfortunately there is a huge gap where the trees were cleared and it looks straight through into their property.  We will be putting a privacy fence along the gap and also planting some fast growing shrubs/trees/bushes, and besides they are getting GREAT neighbors so they can't complain!

We also met with Joe who did all the land clearing, and he told us we made $3500 from our timber, that is pretty impressive and we weren't expecting anything like that much, it all goes back in the pot to pay for the land clearing!

So what else got done! we got power, that was exciting, it got hooked up to the main street supply so we now have power onsite!

The next big thing we got done was our gates!! Mr M had made the gates before we left, so we took them down along with the gate posts, hardware, hole digging equipment (spade) and wheelbarrow!  So one day we dug holes! 3 of them, 4ft deep, Mr M always over engineers EVERYTHING including post holes!!! *sigh*

Then another day we mixed concrete - not having water on site makes mixing concrete rather hard, so we brought water, 25 * 60lb bags of concrete and then sat back and wondered how we were going to mix it! Mr M got on google and discovered the Portugese way! the tarpaulin way!!! You tip the bag of concrete into the middle of the tarp, take 2 corners each add water and tip my right hand, Mr M's right hand, my left hand, Mr M's left hand, it basically mixes the concrete side to side and is amazing and WORKS!!! 3/5 of a tonne of concrete later and we have posts in holes!!

5 Days later we hung the gates... and Oh My!! they turned out amazing! Mr M should be very proud of himself!

I also did some planting whilst we were there, I planted some daffodils and crocuses around my gates and my power pole, and also our Realtor had emailed us at the beginning of the year to say she had a tree for us :) So finally on this trip we were able to tie up with her and get our tree, it is a Dogwood and I planted it and put some fencing around it to protect it from the deer and *fingers crossed* it makes it through the winter.

By the time we were leaving the grass was starting to grow over the septic area, and we had the house and the garage all staked out.  We met with Joe and Wayne to decide where the final clearing would take place and to discuss the tanks etc.  Now Wayne will complete the septic system and get the last few trees and bushes cleared out.  Then the land can have a few months peace and quiet to recover from the trauma of the year!!

Finally last week our well got dug, we were disappointed it didn't get done whilst we were down there as we would have liked to have seen it happen.  But it is done, it got drilled down to 45 foot and got a good flow, we will end up having a holding tank as well but at least we know that it is done and we that unknown is now a known!!!
And that is it! Spring time will arrive before we know it and we will be getting the garage put up.  We are having a pole barn and it is nearly going to be as big as the house *sigh*
Before I go! yes the beach was still spectacular... even during the stormy weather!!