Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Autumn 2014 and things are moving!!!!!

FINALLY it is Autumn and VACATION time!!! it has been a very long summer, we have both been working a lot with Mr M even doing 50 hour weeks (which if you know Mr M is unheard of) but whilst we have been beavering away up in Seattle things have been moving right along down here in Port Orford.

Firstly, we normally camp when we come down, but the middle 2 weeks in October was bound to see some rain, and after last nights storm I am mighty glad we rented a vacation home *feeling smug*.  We are right in Port Orford town, good and close to our property and we have a fantastic view of the lake out over to the ocean!

We haven't been down here since August, and since then the land has been cleared all bar a few trees that we have decided now need to come out too.  The cleared space was then backfilled and graded, and the driveway has been partially laid with compacted hardcore, the rest will go down now that we are here and can mark out the house and the garage etc.

Here is the plot, all cleared... looking in from the road..

And then looking up towards the back of our property, Mr M is stood where the house will go.  The garage will be down at the bottom right hand side of this photo, backing onto our neighbors and providing us with some privacy.

We were also excited to see our septic (it is all about poop) drainage field is in, this is a big deal as it needed to be in and inspected prior to the rain arriving, or we were going to have to push it back into Spring 2015, this way it is in, covered and has grass seed on it to allow the ground to stabilize through the winter and the grass to grow!! I was super excited to see this!!! *blushes*

AND this week we have also had our power meters put in, they are huge and will basically cover us for all eventualities, we decided if we are doing it now to put in a supply that can be isolated to house, or garage, plus an RV supply as we will be living in a trailer during the build.  THIS was very expensive, however it is done paid for and we have POWER!!!! another milestone!!

Today we spent the day digging holes.. OMG it was hard work, but the first actual HARD work we have done on our own land, we now have 3 x 4 foot deep holes for our posts, we are going to be putting gates up across the driveway, now we have power we don't want a hippy circle moving in with their damn bongos!!!  Mr M has made the gates himself and we brought them down with us, we are excited to finally be doing something ourselves!
This weekend we are having our well dug, so we will also have water, water and power and nearly somewhere to poop - what more could a person ask for!
I will be back next week with another exciting installment including pictures of well digging and gate erecting :) :)
Before I go I need to share what the crazy neighbor behind us has done.  She is basically very upset that this "woodland" is being built on, despite the fact it is 3rd growth and it had been for sale for a long time and she didn't buy it!  We met her last time we were down here and she is slightly loopy and paranoid, previously she had fenced her property line, brilliant saves us doing it!! This time she has added wooden stakes to her fence (spikes up) - gotta laugh, she is clearly more of a hermit than us and completely insane!!! I think I might like her!!

Oh and yes, the beach is still spectacular!