Tuesday, August 12, 2014

It's been a while............

But quite ALOT has been happening, really!! I promise!! loads in fact!!

Firstly, we finally got our septic system and plan approved - seriously this is a big deal, it can be the difference of $30k or $10k, fortunately for us it was the latter, this pricing being approx., we are hoping for less of course.

Once the septic was approved it kind of changed all of our plans, we had to re-arrange the site plan, and infact in hindsight this is a MUCH better layout!

So then we started paying $$$$$ out to our Contractor and he has been busy in there clearing the trees out, he will clear the trees, level and grade the land and grade the area for the garage and the house.

We have a culvert, and the start of a driveway, it is VERY exciting! we went down to Port Orford a few weeks back and got to see how things are progressing.


It feels so much more real now that the trees are coming down and the space is being defined!! Next the septic drain field is going in and then the tanks etc.. I could bore you with lots of talk of septic systems, but this blog is already full of enough S*it boom boom!!

We also got signed up with the power co-operative, they will be running the electric from the street through some conduit to a power pole, we are having our meter and power pole close to the property line and then Gareth will run the power to where ever it is needed when he starts down there.

We also have just signed a contract with the Well company, once the land is ready they will go in and dig our well for us, fingers crossed they don't have to go too deep, but it is all exciting stuff!   Hoping by the end of the summer we will have all the utilities in and running etc.

SO now, Gareth is researching garages, we have always talked about living in the garage whilst Gareth is building the house, enables us to use our furniture etc. rather than having to put stuff into storage.  Plus we found out that you can't build a garage and leave it as a sole building on your land, you can only build a garage before your house IF you are planning to live in it whilst building, so although we have tossed around the idea of living in a large trailer (caravan) we are now back to the garage idea.

Well that is about it... fingers crossed everything continues to progress forward... and in the meantime we will just keep on working hard ;)

Oh and this wouldn't be a good blog post without the obligatory beach photo!!