Monday, January 20, 2014

Hello, Welcome, Bienvenue, Ola!!

Its here... the future's bright the future's Oregon!!!~

So here we are... our new piece of property, 2013 saw Mr M disillusioned with work (who isn't) and fed up with 9-5, even as flexible as he is with his time sheet!!! 2013 saw me fed up with Mr M being fed up and moaning about it all!!

SO to cut a long story short, Mr M has always had the desire to build us a house, a real home, with some land and the opportunity to be as self sufficient as we can, without having to rely on me being a master gardener to eat, just in case! we took the plunge and brought ourselves 1.25 acres of wood, in Port Orford, on the Oregon coast, 60 miles from the California border, right down there in hermitsville!

The plan - (always subject to change) is to spend the next 18 months getting the land cleared, leaving as many trees as possible, but giving us as much sunlight as we can to help grow the veggies, and maybe help with some solar power.  Once the land is cleared we will be having the septic put in, the well for our water dug, and some groundwork completed for the foundations.  We will be working with a contractor to get this done, with the view to when Mr M turns up with his hammer, most of the groundwork will be done!!

When we move Mr M will be working for me :) he will be building building building, and fortunately I have complete and utter faith he will do a spectacular job! I will keep working *fingers crossed* as my job is remote and can move with me, I shall keep on growing veggies, canning and preserving and keeping my chickens.

I decided to write this blog to keep a good record of the progress, not a lot is going to be happening for a while, at least not too much exciting, we are planning a trip down there soon though, so it will be fun to see what it is like during winter, I am thinking drier than here and also warmer, and also the beach will still be spectacular.

The best way to describe why is in pictures.. I mean when you have walked on this beach, its a no brainer!

So feel free to follow along, I can't promise too much excitement, or fantastic writing, I sometimes go off on a tangent and waffle along.. but I will do my utmost to keep this up to date and full of pictures :) I am good at that!!

End of blog humor, type Port Orford into your text and auto-correct gives you Port Orgies :) woohoo!