Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Nearly there....

 Yes, we are nearly there.  Just a quick update as I am not sure when we will update once we have moved in.

All the rooms are now finished, and flooring is being laid.  We had the final plumbing and electrical inspections done, we need to add outside steps and stair rails and finish up the staircase hand rails before we can get occupancy certificate. 

Kitchen.... there will be some more tiles added to the front of the island, and some open shelves on the back wall, once we have moved in...

Dining room lights looking all fancy...

Also hanging around is the chain for the ceiling fan, recycled some bicycle chains and sprockets.

Whilst we didn't have nice flooring down, we brought the scaffolding back inside and put the chimney in, and we cleaned the big windows, dormers, fans, lights and ceiling.

Utility room...

Downstairs bathroom and bedroom... 

The sink unit will be getting an upgrade and the addition of a window seat, once we have moved in.

Up the stairs....

Bedroom complete with flooring...

Bathroom has all the finishing touches done...

And that is really it.  Rest of the flooring is set to go down in the next couple of weeks.  I have been cleaning windows and re-finishing pieces of furniture, painting and new knobs, and sanding and oiling.  

My sewing project turned into a major engineering project. Finally, I shooed him away and did it my way!

But I have all my curtains, I'm ready to go...

We have a scheduled move in date, but no way am I putting it out into the big wide world, you'll know when we know.

It's been a hot, dry summer, both garden and puppy growing well!

Friday, April 21, 2023

2023 is off to a grand start!

It's been a fairly busy start to the year, well as busy as it gets round here.  We could have been busier, but it was also skiing season, and we have a new family member that needs copious amounts of attention.

Firstly, bathrooms are almost completely finished.  The upstairs bathroom is finished, tiled, toilet, sink, shower door, just need to fit the shower heads etc.  Yes heads, there are 3!

We have a wall mounted toilet (very European) but it is a space saver.  

We decided to go with tiles, and of course the small subway tiles, because clearly, we like things to take as long as possible.

Then we added mosaic tiles to the shower floor and tiled the main bathroom floor.  

Sliding glass shower door, and voila, ready to go.

The downstairs bathroom we compromised, some smaller tiles and then some larger tiles, we are waiting on some final edging to be delivered then it can be finished up with silicon etc.  We are putting vinyl flooring in here and we still need to purchase the sink.  Mr. M will build a corner unit and seat unit to run under the window. 

The walls are also going to be painted a green!  The bathroom is wider than it looks in the pictures, the shower is over the bathtub, so you get the idea.

And the kitchen is almost finished.  All the units are built, the cupboard doors just need the handles to be fitted (we have them here) and there is an overhead unit to go up, we are having shelving along the back wall next to the pantry.  

We have everything here, including the kitchen sink. We are using Corion countertop; it is a grey with some green flecking in it.  2, 12ft sheets, that need to be cut, stuck and polished!  But they are here and waiting to be fitted.

We have deep teal tiles for the backsplash, to complement our kitchen "stuff", I can't wait to see them in place against the yellow walls.

It is really starting to come together.  We just have flooring and a few bits and bobs left to purchase, and I am choosing curtains, so it is down the nub now!

In the meantime, the best thing about how long it is taking is that we can house train this little boy before he moves in and hangs off my new curtains and chews the new kitchen cabinets.  The other house inspectors left a legacy for him to continue, he is so far doing a GRAND job.

Welcome Monty!!