Sunday, July 12, 2020

We're 80% there....

... apparently, of course the last 20% is the most important! so quick update on the ceiling, one half is almost finished, 80% - I sense a theme. But it looks amazeballs! We are both thrilled with it.

My office space is officially the second room, after our bedroom, to be 80% complete...

The rest of the first side.... 80% complete...

I can't get a good photo from the ground floor, as the false floor above gets in the way.

And onto the garden update, pea season has arrived in force! I've picked all my red currants, and we are getting some turnips (of a sort) and lots of spring onions.... delicious!

My winter veggies are waiting to be put out, cauliflower, brussels and leeks - they are waiting on the garlic bed *taps fingers impatiently*

This year's runner beans, ran all the way up the poles!

The flowers don't want it be all about the vegetables.  The nasturtiums in particular are looking fantastic....

My perennial volunteer runner bean is full of flower, and beans are started!

And our swallows are back, the babies will soon be flying the nest, in the meantime they are making themselves known to us - VERY LOUDLY!

I am not 80% complete, I am just getting started!