Sunday, June 28, 2020


…. Planking an activity consisting of lying in a face down position, which is how Mr. M would like to spend his days, unfortunately he has been getting along with another type of planking!  He has been busy with ceilings.

First of all he worked on getting the bedroom ceiling done, painted tongue and groove, looks amazing, and so the master bedroom is done apart from final paint, floor and window trims!  Each piece was cut to a random size so as not to form a pattern, then they are nailed in place...

And then onto the rest of the upstairs cathedral ceiling.  First all the planks need to be sanded and then given 2 coats of stain.  Fancy frame construction and a little one man conveyer belt.
Bare wood v's stained wood....

Fancy drying rack....

And up it goes...

Long way to go, but so far it is looking great, each piece has stained differently, it is just a clear stain and so each piece has a different color and the contrasts look great, even if the photos don't do it justice.....
The garden is enjoying some glorious sunshine, at last summer seems to have arrived.  We are starting to harvest bits and bobs, redcurrants have been fantastic, redcurrant jelly to go with the Thankgiving turkey this year.  Spring onions, turnips, a few raspberries as most of my plants died :( and we are starting to see peas!

The flowers are as pretty as ever, and garlic scapes, delicious! and means my garlic will only be about another month....

And finally I had to dig my volunteer potato, it was shading my dahlias, so I dug it up and found some delicious red potatoes, just enough for a dinner.
This year has been a struggle for the garden, but now the sun has arrived hopefully the slugs will have gone and my summer veggies can start to zoom along rather than crawling!

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Timmy, pass me my tools.....

It's all been going on over here, upstairs is all taped, skimmed and primed! amazeballs...

Above the stairs...
Above the big window in the cathedral ceiling... 

My office space/upstairs landing.....

The little dormers..

That is all the walls now primed upstairs and so he is starting on the ceiling.  Our bedroom ceiling will have painted tongue and groove so we are using pine.  The wood is supposed to be seasoned and so you should purchase it in advance and let it sit for 2 to 3 weeks.  We have had it so long we can't remember if we purchased it in 2019 or 2018 - so it is definitely seasoned.

Painting planks before they get installed, 2 coats of primer and 2 coats of top coat to come...

And so things just keep moving right along.  Walls, ceilings, soon he'll be getting the walls downstairs done, staircase, kitchen, bathrooms, flooring, trim and then, and then, and then, it's never ending...

It's been a strange Spring weather wise, we had a very wet May with 6.5 inches, and even June has had some wet days, but mix that in with some daily doses of sunshine and things are moving along in the garden too. 

We've got lots of pretty flowers...

Veggies are getting their grow on, runner beans...


Peas are full of flowers...

2nd planting of carrots (first lot got eaten) seem to be growing well....

And my redcurrants are nearly ready to be picked...

I've planted a cucumber plant in my compost pile, if this nasturtium is anything to go by the compost pile is full of goodness...
That's all for now, we'll be back soon with another update....