Sunday, May 17, 2020

Order me a paintbrush!!

So what's been going on? lots of taping and skimming... 

The upstairs is nearly done, with the help of precariously placed scaffolding, because an ER visit right about now would be really useful *rolls eyes*....'

And then the bedroom, bathroom and closet upstairs all got a coat of primer, could almost fool ourselves into thinking we are going to be moving in soon.....

April and May have been wet, wet, wet which is great for the garden, but not so great for the garden in the slugs are out in force.  I've been out sending them on vacation over the fence out into the wild, but they have had a row of carrots and I regularly remove them from my dahlias.  Apparently ducks love slugs - just no one has told my 2!
Some of the potatoes are nearly to the top of the bins...

Peas growing well.....


Dahlia bed with a volunteer potato that is growing really well, it's also got a volunteer runner bean that is up and starting to head towards a pole, comes every year and gives me the first runner beans of the year....

We have also redone the fencing around the fruit trees, every year the deer decide to prune them for me, and now that they are getting fruit on them we needed to put an end to that.  They have more room to grow and hopefully these prisons will help them be successful.


And finally, redcurrant bush is going strong, it will be a race as to who gets the most, me or the birds, I have netting on my side...